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24 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The project sets out to improve the quality of mentoring programmes in Europe that are intended to benefit older employees (age over-45) at risk of dropping out of their current employment. Target groups include job centres consultants, over-45 employees, trainers, learning facilitators and SMEs consultants. Project partners will investigate best practice teaching tools and also benchmarking metho ...
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The smart materials here called MAIN, that is the set of -cool roof-� and -cool pavement-� solutions to reduce summer overheating of urban areas caused by sun radiation, are scarcely used due to different motivations or alibis. The project is aimed at intervening in any chain cycle for the use of MAIN. The systemic model MAIN will be implemented in several types of zones: the seaside, plain lands, ...
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The strategic integration of ICT in teaching and learning is still morehighlighted in policy documents than in the daily practice of European universities.While the universities are moving from a traditional profile to a new one, covering all theareas of Lifelong Learning), the capability to fit the different visions of these sub-systems in the use of ICT in teaching and learning, and soto provide ...
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Across the EU as a whole 16% of those aged 16-64 are reported having a long-standinghealth problem or disability. The percentage of pupils with SENs (Special educationalneeds) in participating countries is Germany 5,3%, Italy 1,5%, Slovenia 4.7% and Spain3,7%. About 2% of all pupils in Europe are educated in special schools or specialclasses. Swimming is an excellent therapy for disadvantaged peop ...
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• 1 innovative APL/RVCC methodology and tools, on validation of non-formal and informal learning competences, will be transferred by ISQ;• 1 target group fits, VET teachers/trainers/guidance professionals through the common transfer workshop and national pilot sessions;• 1 European ECVET curricula for APL professional and a common guideline for it integration in existing national VET programmes wa ...
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The TOUAREG project is primarily targeted to less qualified workers in tourism sector and provides an innovative approach to support the development organisational, social and communication skills as well as the development of strategies for personal and professional development. In doing so less qualified workers in tourism sector can find available opportunities and enhance their ability to main ...
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Depuis la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle, la pratique musicale, qu’elle soit instrumentale, vocale ou autre, a connu en Europe un essor fulgurant. Cette démocratisation a engendré de nombreuses structures éducatives, qui emploient un nombre important de formateurs. Occultée peut-être par ce foisonnement, la situation professionnelle des enseignants des pratiques musicales, et notamment en musique ...
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This project enables participants to adapt professional life and training in rural areas facing a lack of vocational training.Distance training enhances proximity vocational training and contributes to local development.This projects offers to transfer all together : the methodology, the technology and the pedagogy already used by the developer,in order to train the educators.
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TRACE means “Transparent Competences in Europe” and will develop, implement and test a coherent, systemic framework for the transparency and interoperability of competences systems in the European knowledge based societies in the e- learning sector. Two target groups are envisaged: practitioners of the e- learning sector and those of the guidance sector. A “Competences Translator” should contribut ...
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Training tomorrow's multi-media wizards : Europe is gearing up for the Information Society but who is going to provide the material to feed the growing appetite for multi-media products that this entails? Help is on hand with this project to train people to be competent to supply the content needed for CD-ROMs, web sites, DVDs and other software. Itself based on ICT and multi-media techniques, the ...
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TRACE means "Transparent Competences in Europe" and will develop, implement and test a coherent, systemic framework for the transparency and interoperability of competences systems in the European knowledge based societies in the e- learning sector. Two target groups are envisaged: practitioners of the e- learning sector and those of the guidance sector. A "Competences Translator" should contribut ...
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The ReportStag-e project addresses the adaptation to industrial/technological change in the field of journalism and will thus establish an internet-based training centre offering continuous training to professional journalists on the use of new technologies. The objective is to introduce, incorporate and adapt new technological methods and tools in order to achieve added-value journalism. A series ...
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One of the priorities of the Copenhagen Declaration is to develop common instruments for Quality Assurance in VET. Further on, the objectives and actions of the Copenhagen process have been further supported by the European network for quality assurance in VET (EQAVET).In this context, there have been different projects and activities put in place in order to develop national Quality Assurance Fra ...
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The project sets out to improve the quality of mentoring programmes in Europe that are intended to benefit young people and employees typically identified as marginalised and/or 'at risk' of dropping out of educational and training programmes. The primary target group for the project is mentors themselves. The project will build upon mentoring ideas from the previously funded CAMEO project (DG Emp ...
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The MWEBLEarning project aims to provide the furniture sector with the capacity to identify, assess and disseminate knowledge, information and experience and to improve the updating capacity of workforce skill levels through the creation of ‘learning communities’. Project partners will facilitate co-operation between companies and ‘mediation institutions’ across the participating partner regions, ...
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The project aim is to produce tools that will help SMEs to cope with the processes of innovation and change. It intends to create a Virtual Network for linking stakeholders and intermediary actors involved in the innovation process through training in SMEs, with the twofold objective of assisting SMEs in identifying relevant e-learning opportunities and identifying appropriate indicators for asses ...
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According to the main aim of the Bologna-Process mobile studies within the European Union shall be enabled free of organisational and administrative obstacles until 2010. By 2012 a number of at least 3 million individual participants in student mobility shall be reached. Besides necessity to reduce organisational barriers the number of mobile students in reality will also depend on decisions of in ...
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Learning processes of senior citizens are of high priority in the framework of the ageingsociety in Europe. Psychological findings show that learning in higher ages is possibleand desirable, when some particularities of the target group are taken into account. Theproject looks at these particularities by choosing a subject, the personally experiencedhistory, which is highly relevant and motivating ...
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Recent statistical data confirms a persisting high gender imbalance in ICTprofessions with women accounting for less than 20% of computersystems designers, analysts and programmers in the EU27. This meanswomen miss important employment opportunities in a sector that isdriving European economic growth and greatly depends on skilledworkers and on consumers who take up technological innovation. Since ...
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At the present, organizations demand employees not only with technical key competencies that are taken for granted, but also with personal and social competences. They perform in a rapidly changing environment influenced by different factors not only of technological and economic nature but also organisational where competencies such as decision making, time management and leadership are vital for ...
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Mobilog aims to provide a new-based bottom-up but well structured and multi-lingual service at the European level for peer-to peer exchange of experiences of individual mobile students in a web long area containing all aspects of mobile studies like motivation, social issues, communication and cultural issues apart from organisational and administrative problems and how students overcame these obs ...
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Society is going through profound changes, and the process of transformation is bringing new challenges for the educational sector: migration and integration, working schedule flexibility and mobility, increasing number of children with adjustment disorders and development conditions are some of the most challenging questions for education professionals. At the same time research has proven impres ...
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Based on the GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership „RageLab”, this project is aimed to satisfy the huge demand for developing an extensive Rage Laboratory Tool on a 3-stage-model (for trainers and counsellors), combining computer based (aggravating) games with physical experience including cultural and diverse aspects to improve self-awareness of young adult learners.Stage 1: Virtual. By taking on charac ...
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LLWINGS aims at developing an elearning system for school teachers (and staff) to develop a set of competences aimed at favouring learning skills acquisition and motivation to learn, and specifically related to the integration of non/informal learning in education to make curricula meaningful to their students and helping them in learning to learn. Early development of learning skills and motivati ...
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