Klodian Zaimi

: Nov 26, 2016

About Me

Evaluation of hydrological parameters as flow velocity, discharge, maximum flow conditions, low flow analyses of river flow, water regime, river measurement process, processing and elaboration of data river measurements across river systems. Project experience also includes environmental  and hydro-ecological management issues,  stochastic hydrology,  hydrodynamics of water catchments and water management structures. The creation of the Early Warning Systems for floods, flash-floods and hydrology accomplished through mathematical modelling were designed to integrate various different elements at the basin level including protection and preservation of coastal environment from erosion and pollutants as well. Planning and supervision of meteorological and hydrological observation systems, data collection, data processing and data management of all meteorological and hydrological parameters in different projects.  Led various studies and reports at national, regional and basin scale to define climatologic and hydrological characteristics of water resources systems. Experience included development of integrated surface and groundwater monitoring approaches and definition of proper calibration techniques, which were ultimately disseminated and exchanged with various different public and private stakeholders.

Fields of Expertise:

 Marine and Coast
 Natural Resources
 Environmental protection
 Earth Sciences
 Water Resource Management
 Climate Sciences

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