Art Science 21

: Nov 28, 2018

Looking for Partnership
About Me

Art Science 21 is an association law 1901, created in October 2013, which carries artistic participatory projects at the crossroads of culture and arts, science and new technologies, environment and nature.

. It is intended to promote the intersection of ideas, artistic and civic education and intercultural dialogue around these three dimensions.

It offers participatory and transdisciplinary cultural and artistic events on a large scale, involving the active participation of "spectators". It also produces works by artists from various practices: plastic artists, musicians, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, dancers, digital performers, sharing with them artistic and civic values and concerns.

Recognizing the systemic upheavals of our time, Anthropocene, Art Science 21 seeks to experiment and widely disseminate solutions to create a more resilient and pacified world that optimizes natural resources to meet the challenges Environmental and societal challenges that mankind is currently facing.

Art Science 21 works with fragile populations (priority neighbourhoods, refugees, migrants, elderly people or individuals) creating social ties and an inclusive solidarity network. By the universal nature of its actions, and because it puts the human at the centre of its projects, Art Science 21 has a vocation to create bridges between women and men of goodwill in all the countries of the world.

It develops, produces and disseminates goods and services embodying cultural and artistic expression as well as related tasks, such as education and the production of works of art and accompanies artists to produce these works. In particular interactive installations, musical works, sound and luminous sculptures, live performances, participatory works with large-scale populations.

Some of these world-oriented works, such as Flowers of change, which broadcasts citizen messages on climate change and "doing it together" can gather up to 3000 SPECT-co-creators actors, and several  thousands of Visitors during  exhibition.

Flowers of Change has been labeled COP21, Cop 22 and year 2015 of Light by UNESCO, and is running worldwide. Art Science 21 also organises transgenerational and school-based public workshops, as well as lectures and meetings around art, arts education, music, cultural mediation, DIY and digital related to art and Video games.

It also carries cross-projects at the crossroads of Arts, Sciences and transition as the "Welcome to 2030" lecture cycle, which explores the disruptive changes of the Anthropocene.

It is at last the origin of a third place dedicated to the culture,  the Social and solidarity Economy (ESS), the CRAPO, in Vitry sur Seine where it is domiciled.

Keywords and matching areas:

 Social Innovation
 Sustainable Development
 Creative Industries
 Visual Arts
 Creative Europe

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