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Background Lake Vänern is the largest freshwater lake in the European Union, covering an area of 5 650 km2. The project area includes the EU’s largest freshwater archipelago with 22 000 islands, islets and skerries (small rocky reefs). The lake is home to a large population of seabirds and waterfowl, and is an important staging site for migrating bird ...
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Grazing and restoration of archipelago and coastal environments (GRACE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Background Sweden’s archipelago habitats have high nature conservation values and this is mainly attributed to the islands’ specific geological conditions, micro-climate and farming history. Together these factors create very different conditions for flora and fuana and few similar habitat types exist in significant quantities on the Swedish mainland. ...
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Innovation is most likely to happen at the borderlines between different industries. The project "CCC reloaded: CREALAB" aims to develop and implement a multidisciplinary, cross-sectorial and transnational method using creativity to stimulate innovation by bringing together traditional industrial sectors with the creative industries and science. In this way the development of new services and prod ...
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BACKGROUNDThe CHARTS project focuses on the role of culture and heritage in the formulation and delivery of added-value to regional strategies for sustainable tourism development and integration into local, regional, national and EU policies. Partners will share experience on how improved management of cultural tourism destinations contribute to protection and enhancement of cultural heritage & la ...
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KUSK (kunskap, utveckling, statistik, kommunikation) (KUSK)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Projektet ska utveckla egen analys- och planeringskompetens för tillväxt i gränsregionen genom att ta fram, visualisera och publicera jämförbar statistik om gränsregionen. Vidare ska man genomföra utbildningsinsatser om att tolka statistik och att använda visualiseringsverktyg, ta fram planeringsunderlag och göra analyser samt utveckla förmågan att på olika sätt kommunicera och informera i ett pro ...
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Sustainable Coastal Development in Practise (SUSCOD)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

SUSCOD aims to make a step change in the application of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). In doing so coastal potentials -economical, social and environmental- can be utilized to full advantage and broader support for coastal management measures can be secured. 7 partners from 5 countries will develop an innovative Integrated Coastal Zone Management (IZCM) assistant. The ICZM approach has ...
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IGS Intermodala-Godstransporter-Statistik

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

Projektet ska undersöka transportmönstret i gränsregionen och analysera fördelar med ökad intermodalitet, dvs. växling mellan olika transportsätt såsom lastbil, järnväg, luft- och sjöfart.Målsättningen är att se hur gränsöverskridande godstransporter kan optimeras med hänsyn tagen till strävan efter hållbar utveckling. Resultatet ska sedan spridas till de olika intressenterna/aktörerna i gränsregi ...
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Food Port - Connecting Food Port Regions - Between and Beyond (Food Port)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013, the NSR RegionWP5_4_Sustainable Food Logistic ScenariosWP5_3_The Food Port Transnational Action PlanWP5_3_Food Logistic Cluster ManagementWP5_2_Identification and analysis of food flows in Västra GötalandWP5_2_ Whisky Logistics Study Spirits of the HighlandsWP5_2_Summary Inter and Intra Regional Food Product FlowsWP5_1_Scan of Regional Food Clusters in the North Sea RegionWP5_1_Summary Scan of ...
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Den skandinaviska resandekartan

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Genom att i projektet samla in och sprida information om platser med anknytning till resandefolket ges en bild av resandekulturens historia med resor över riksgränser och kulturmöten mellan folkgrupper. Samspelet mellan ”resande” och majoritetsbefolkning framgår tydligt. Fokus är gränsregionen i Bohuslän, Dalsland och Östfold. Även andra delar av Skandinavien berörs genom att det under projekttide ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

The renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs in the EU is based on the notion that Europe’s potential for future economic development is directly linked to its ability to create and promote high-value, innovative and research-based economic sectors. The Creative Sector (CS) contributed to 2.6% of EU GDP in 2003, whereas in the same year food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing sector accounted ...
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Low-Carbon Economy Regions (LoCaRe)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...through their spatial location and different socio-economic characteristics a wide range of development threats and opportunities:Southern Denmark (DK): a regional authority in southern Denmark (Lead)Västra Götaland (S): A regional authority in the west-central part of SwedenAsturias (E): a regional government in the northern part of SpainEmilia Romagna (I): an administrative region in the norther ...
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TransBaltic was a strategic BSR-wide project carried out by regional authorities, transport and logistics-related research institutions, transport operators, logistics associations and pan-Baltic networks. The partnership of 20 organisations was backed up by further 31 entities, including several national transport ministries around the Baltic Sea.TransBaltic addressed two issues of common concern ...
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Dryport - a modal shift in practice (Dryport)

Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

The project’s aim is to develop, design and set effective Hinterland inter-modal freight transport nodes – dryports – which are fully integrated with the Gateway freight handling systems, to adapt a public concept to a private sector model, and to integrated dryports into the EU Motorways of the Sea concept. The project includes the identification of suitable dryport land sites in the North Sea R ...
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Grensestrategisk krisehåndtering 2009-2011

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

Resultatet av ett småprojekt, Gränsstrategisk krishantering Sverige-Norge, visar att det finns ett behov av att utveckla samarbetet vid andra kriser än räddningstjänst. Speciellt gäller detta krishantering vid exempelvis långvariga elavbrott, pandemi, epizooti, skogsbrandbevakning och effekter av klimatförändringar. Huvudprojektet ska vidareutveckla och planlägga en gränsöverskridande krishanterin ...
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Start date: Jun 18, 2008, End date: Jun 18, 2012,

Sjöarna och vattendragen kring Enningdalsälvens avrinningsområde har mycket höga biologiska och rekreativa värden. Försurning har drabbat området hårt med bland annat fiskdöd som följd. För att motverka effekterna av försurningen sker det kalkningsverksamhet på båda sidor av gränsen. Även vattendrag som har rensats för att underlätta timmerflottning och kvarnar och vattenkraftverk hindrar vandrand ...
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Kosterhavet-Ytre Hvaler: Vårt gemensamma arv

Start date: Jun 28, 2008, End date: May 30, 2012,

Kosterhavet och Ytre Hvaler kommer att bli de första nationalparkerna med marin fokus i Sverige och Norge där både havsmiljö och angränsande landmiljö skyddas. Dessutom blir området den första gränsöverskridande nationalparken. Detta har föranlett ett stort internationellt intresse. I de båda nationalparkerna ska bevarande och hållbart nyttjande gå hand i hand. Projektet kommer trots olika lagstif ...
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The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project (Bioenergy Promotion)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The project aimed to: Raise awareness that there is a significant potential of employment and business possibilities within bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region, facilitate conditions for the reduction of emissions by sustainable use of bioenergy, develop regional management plans and tools for planning within bioenergy, exchange experiences through up-t-date conferences, seminars and workshops in b ...
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Corridor of Innovation and Cooperation (COINCO) North (COINCO North)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

Whilst Europe is expanding its infrastructure, for example by introducing high speed trains in a number of places, the progress of such investments is slow in the Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak-region. Environmentally friendly and quick transport of goods and people is crucial when it comes to strengthening the region’s ability to be competitive in a European and global setting.Corridor of Innovation ...
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Strategic Alliance for integrated Water Management Actions (SAWA)

Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

SAWA strives to strengthen the member states for their current implementation of the EU Flood Directive (FD) by developing a transnational implementation strategy. The aim is to adapt existing water management systems to the effects of extreme flood events due to climate change, focusing on sustainable development of society and regional economies. Based on case studies and pilot implementations S ...
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Luftburen ambulanssjukvård

Start date: Mar 19, 2011, End date: Oct 23, 2011,

Ett samarbetsprojekt med Norge utgår från både nationella och regionala intressen och önskemål. Västra Götalandsregionen och det offentligt ägda bolaget Luftambulansetjenesten ANS vill få igång en samverkan för att identifiera konkreta samarbetsområden och samarbetspartners. Både Norge och Sverige genomgår strukturella förändringar av hälso- och sjukvården vilket innebär ett ökat behov av luftbure ...
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aktiv kontaktverksamhet (Proaktiv kontaktverksamhet)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2011,

Projektets ska ta fram underlag som i sin tur ska utvecklas till huvudprojekt inom områdena gränshinder, infrastruktur, kompetensutveckling, näringslivsutveckling och arbetsmarknad. Proaktivt arbete kring gränshinderproblematik med avsikt att underlätta rörlighet över gränsen skapar en gemensam plattform för det gränsregionala samarbetet. Samtliga kommuner inom delområde Gränslöst Samarbete är med ...
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Säker arbetsdag

Start date: Jul 31, 2008, End date: Jul 29, 2011,

Risken för allvarlig kroppsskada i småföretag inom naturbruket är fortsatt mycket hög. Med ett systematiskt säkerhetsarbete i naturbrukets småföretag är det möjligt att närma sig den säkerhetsnivå som råder för hela näringslivet i Norge respektive Sverige. Bland målgrupperna (företag, elever, lärare och skolornas drift) är eleverna den viktigaste målgruppen eftersom ett systematiskt säkerhetsarbet ...
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Gränshinder för näringslivet

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Jun 18, 2011,

Det finns idag många existerande gränshinder som försvårar arbetspendling, näringsutövning eller integration mellan Sverige och Norge. Arbetet med att uppmärksamma och reducera gränshinder är ett arbetsområde som är ständigt återkommande och bedrivs av flera parter. Detta arbete mellan Sverige och Norge är i starkt behov av en samordning och organisering. Öresundskommittén, mellan Sverige och Danm ...
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Underlag för kunskap till näringslivsutveckling

Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2010,

Projektet ska genomföra två workshops för förtroendevalda beslutsfattare på lokal och regional nivå samt tjänstemän och andra aktörer som ansvarar för hållbar tillväxt och utveckling. Projektet ska ta fram och publicera statistik om t.ex. befolkningens utbildningsnivå och utbildningsinriktning, yrkesstruktur, näringslivets fördelning på branscher efter storlek och sektor, utländskt ägande inom när ...
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Nomade i grenseland

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: May 30, 2009,

Projektet ska knyta företag, högskolor och andra kunskapsorganisationer och offentliga sektorer i en långsiktig och engagerad utveckling genom att lägga grunden för ett Innovation Centre för upplevelseekonomin. Att utveckla och beskriva ett koncept som bygger på områden som natur, kulturupplevelser och matupplevelsesprodukter. Att engagera och skriva långsiktiga avtal med företag som skulle delta ...
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Gränsstrategisk krishantering Norge-Sverige

Start date: Mar 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2008,

Detta inledande projekt ska utreda förutsättningarna för en djupare samverkan mellan berörda krisaktörer i gränsområdet. Vidare ska projektet kartlägga de olika ledningsstrukturer som råder inom olika aktörsområden samt vilka användbara kommunikationsmodeller och företagskulturer som finns. Allt i syfte att undersöka om behov finns för ett eventuellt huvudprojekt där de frågor som belysts i denna ...
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E-voice intended to enhance the interest and the engagement of European citizens in general political issues within a representative democracy. The project developed, tested and advocated the multi-media dialogue approach: the combination of the strengths of the 'old' media (newspapers, radio, television, (mobile) telephone, libraries, etc.) and the 'new' ones (internet, e-mail, electronic chat-ro ...
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Creation of Sustainable Tourism Destinations (CREST)

Start date: Nov 29, 2005, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

The main aim of the project was to initiate a process to set guidelines for sustainable tourism destinations and to help regions overcome current social, economic and environmental constraints through the exploration and adoption of relevant policies and good practice. Achievements: ...
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Kinnekulle plateau mountain - restoration and conservation (Kinnekulle)

Start date: Nov 1, 2001, End date: Sep 30, 2007,

Background Located in the southern part of Sweden, the ‘mountain’ of Kinnekulle, actually a plateau 265 m high, rises majestically above the surrounding fields and Lake Vänern. This unusual geological formation has, over the last thousand years, been extensively grazed and mowed. As a result, Kinnekulle hosts a particularly rich and diverse set of ha ...
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The main focus in the BIRD project was to increase rural development in areas with attractive bird rich wetlands, nature reserves and cultural landscapes. 35 joining partners in 6 Baltic countries have localized areas where a quality secured eco tourism has good assumptions to expand. The six joining countries and numbers of partners are: Estonia (5), Finland (5), Germany (1), Latvia (2), Lithuani ...
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Corridor of Innovation and Cooperation (COINCO)

Start date: Mar 9, 2005, End date: Jul 8, 2007,

COINCO deals with the development and optimization of traffic connections, innovation and clustering along the Scandinavian-Central European North-South axis. The idea of COINCO is the identificatiomn of themes for transnational cooperation in order to create an attractive region that can compete in global markets. ...
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European Cultural Tourism Network-ECTN (ECTN)

Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Jan 29, 2007,

The aim of ECTN is for regions with an interest in developing cultural tourism to share experience and good practice for regional economic development and job creation. By definition, good practice implies cultural tourism projects and policies that have positive impacts (economically, socially and environmentally) and contribute to sustainable regional development. ...
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"North Sea regional and local implementation of the Water Framework Directive" (NOLIMP-WFD) had two aims:• To show in a practical way how the WFD can be implemented with regard to procedural, management and practical issues with a special focus on matters that produce best practice for local and regional implementation.• To achieve an improvement in the physico-chemical and ecological water qualit ...
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The main achievement of the project was the development of a Green North Sea Docks decision-support tool (DST). The DST is a tool developed to assists dockyard environmental managers and environmental protection administrations. Therefore an assessment strategy which introduced elements of the concept of sustainability to compare alternative treatment processes, i.e. the environmental assessment b ...
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Rock Art in Northern Europe (RANE )

Start date: Jun 25, 2002, End date: Sep 24, 2005,

Rock art (paintings and carvings on rock formations) is the oldest form of human art. The remaining examples of this historical art form are threatened both by a natural development and our modern way of living. The central objectives of RANE were to initiate measures and promote research that would improve the management and sustainable use of prehistoric rock art in the Baltic Sea Region. The pr ...
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The PIPE project (PIPE )

Start date: May 31, 2002, End date: Sep 29, 2004,

The PIPE project was aiming at demonstrating a holistic approach towards territorial development with a particular focus on engaging the young generation.Participation – Identity – Planning - Entrepreneurship are 4 key elements in development strategies for smaller and medium sized communities and regions located in the periphery. The PIPE project was aiming at demonstrating a holistic approach to ...
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A growing shortage of jobs in Europe makes the possibilities of developing new jobs in the social economy sector more relevant than ever. In LLP, as well as in many other policies driven actions, there have been good attempts to stimulate the sector by providing training material about the possibilities of the sector. However, most of the training material is aimed at multipliers. In InoTool the i ...
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The proposal aims to develop a contextualised language training programme for medical professionals in a technologically mobile environment, i.e. on PDA/smartphone/BlackBerry devices, but which is also accessible through workstations. For this purpose e-learning content will be developed. A multi-layered training package will provide the professionals with contextualised language training with ref ...
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WENTELS is an online training platform orientated to provide the necessary knowledge on entrepreneushiship to those women across Europe who want to manage their own business or plan to return to the workfoce after a long period of absence.
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Business Intermediary Organisations (BIOs) such as Chambers of Commerce and Trade Associations either provide, or recommend, a high proportion of the training services used by small businesses across Europe - with the European network of chambers of commerce alone training around 2.7 million people each year in 1,000+ training centres across EuropeThese BIOs increasingly rely on e-learning tools & ...
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