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27 European Projects Found

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Diversité source d'enrichissement

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: May 1, 2018,

Since 2004, we are working on global outlook and tolerance objectives with partners through youth exchange.Many actions (youth exchanges, seminaries, international committees, activity leader exchanges, sending and hosting volunteer, tutor seminaries…) made part in neighbourhood life through inhabitants, elected representatives and professional commitment. We have obtained a SVE agreement in 2008 ...
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Citoyen volontaire contre les discriminations

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

Since 2004, we are working on global outlook and tolerance objectives with partners through youth exchange. Many actions (youth exchanges, seminaries, international committees, activity leader exchanges, sending and hosting volunteer, tutor seminaries…) made part in neighbourhood life through inhabitants, elected representatives and professional commitment. We have obtained a SVE agreement in 200 ...
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l'été multi-culturel

Start date: May 6, 2015, End date: May 5, 2017,

Since 2004, we work with partners on the objectives of opening to the world and tolerance through the exchanges of young people. Numerous actions (exchanges of young people, seminaries, international committee, exchanges of organizers, welcome and volunteers' sending, seminary of guardians participated in the dynamics of districts, through the investment of the inhabitants, the elected representat ...
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West-East Dialogues 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

East-West Dialogues is a partnership building and EVS quality improvement training. The training aims at setting up high quality EVS projects in which partners from Western European, Eastern European and partner countries cooperate.This intensive networking programme will involve participants from at least 12 countries. Participants will not only get to know eachother, but also receive hands-on ad ...
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Be brave - be a Volunteer!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project "Be brave - be a Volunteer" is continued project. When coordinating EVS projects close contacts with a different host organizations was created, Hosting organizations would like to continue working with EVS volunteers, because both: volunteers and organizations they see high value of this program and both sided are receiving some new experience. The project involves 9 host organizatio ...
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Europe In The Eyes of Puppets

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Projemizin adı "Europe In The Eyes of Puppets"dır. Projemiz 21 - 27 Haziran 2016 tarihleri arasında Artvin Türkiye'de gerçekleştirilecektir. Projemizde 32 katılımcı ,9 grup lideri Türkiye,Yunanistan, İtalya, İspanya, Litvanya,Romanya,Sırbistan ve Gürcistan'dan katılacaklardır. Atölyelerin ilk aşamasında çöp ve geri dönüşüm malzemeleri toplanılarak kuklalar oluşturulacak böylece çevresel farkın ...
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Once Upon A Time in Europe

Start date: Jan 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2016,

Projemizin adın Once Upon a Time in Europe. Projemiz 06 - 13 Haziran 2016tarihleri arasında Adana,Türkiye'de gerçekleştirilecektir. Projemizde İtalya,Yunanistan,Polonya,Romanya ve Makedonya'dan katılımcılar yer alacaktır.Projemizin temalarıFarklı kültür,din ve ülkelerden gelen katılımcıların ön yargılarını kırmak ve Avrupa'daki kuruluşlar arasında yeni ortaklıklar kumkaktır. Projemizin temaları kü ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Jun 29, 2016,

Y-Mocracy is a project strongly organized by Genç Demokratlar (Youth Democrats) from Turkey.Promoter countries are Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Macedonia and Poland .Aims of the projects are to discuss about the participation of young people in democratic life, to find problems and difficulties they have in taking part in the democratic process from the local to th ...
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Above and Beyond

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

“Above and Beyond” is an EVS project which will take place at YMCA Baia Mare Association in Baia Mare, Romania. The project will host 4 volunteers from Armenia, Lithuania, Spain and Ukraine, for 10 months, from 1st of May 2015 until 1st of March 2016. We want this project to promote the importance of adopting a tolerant attitude, of fight against poverty and exclusion, particularly by the fact ...
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New Projects-New Experiences

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

... others), taking part in events, assistance in organizing them and preparing for them. This project will involve 7 volunteers and 7 sending organizations: 1 Concordia UK Ltd (Great Britain) 2 Asociatia YMCA Baia Mare (Romania). 3 Asociacion para la FORMACION Intercultural y Actividades para la Juventud AFAIJ (Spain) 4 POLITISTIKO Ergastiria Ayion OMOLOYITON (Cyprus) 5 Gonullu Hareketi Dernegi (Tur ...
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Let's Get It Started

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

"Let's Get it Started" is a training course for 26 youth workers from 12 countries (Armenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Turkey, Romania and Poland), which will take place in northern Romania, in Baia Mare, between 3rd of November 2015 and 10th of November 2015 (excluding traveling days of the participants). The project aims to give youth workers the opp ...
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Develop your skills through volunteering!

Start date: Aug 19, 2014, End date: Dec 19, 2015,

...opje (Macedonia), 2. Gwenilli rencontres et echanges intercultureles (Prancūzija); 3. Fundacion Paideia (Spain); 4. Centro Servizi per volontariato della provincia di Varese (Italy); 5. Asociatia YMCA Baia Mare (Romania). Each organization will send 1 volunteer to this project and the each volunteer will make 12 months EVS.
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The name of our project is SUSTAINABLE AND ECOLOGICAL LIFE IN EUROPE. The project will be held between 22 - 28 May 2015 in Kayseri. The project is designed to change the spending habits of young people and show them their productive sides. During the training we will teach young people how to use and live with sustainable and renewable resources with non-formal education technique. In the proje ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Project „HAPPY SHINNY PEOPLE“ of The Blessed J. Matulaitis social centre in Vilnius is orientated towards poverty and social exclusions groups – children and teenagers from the risk families, those have behavioral problems, learning difficulties and towards people with mental disability, his needs of employment and relationships, family and community. So the aim of project is to organise activitie ...
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Volunteers in the Global Village

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The project ?Volunteers in a Global Village? was created by young people and it is a response to their needs. These needs expand to the international scale, since they tackle crucial matters such as: active citizenship and youth unemployment. Often, we encounter social problems which have been rooted in the lack of information, in youth unemployment and in the absence of youth participation in the ...
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Avasta, hooli, tegutse!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

EVS project „Avasta, hooli, tegutse!” ('discover, take care and take actions') brought into Lille Maja youth centre a 27 year old Romanian Cătălina Georgiana Ciubăr. Lille Maja is a small youth centre in Tartu, a university town of 100 000 citizens. Lille Maja's open youth room is open Monday-Friday at 1pm – 7pm. The visitors of the youth room are mostly 7-12 year old kids. Lille Maja arranges act ...
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So Far, So Close

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

"So Far, So Close" is a training course on intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue, using outdoor activities as a tool in youthwork, which will take place in northern Romania, near Baia Mare, in Statiunea Izvoare, between 26th of August 2015 and 1st of September 2015 (excluding arrival and departure days). For 7 days, it will reunite 24 participants from 10 organizations coming from EU, ...
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For children and youth in Usti nad Labem IX

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project For children and youth in Usti nad Labem IX is a group EVS project consisting one volunteer from the Program country and one volunteer from Partner country in hosting non-profit organization YMCA in Usti nad Labem in the Czech Republic. Volunteers - 2 girls will spend 12 months in a hosting organization and the main topics of the project are various activities for children and youth t ...
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Foregin Friendly Society

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

CONTEXT/BACKGROUND are working with international projects since ....... Years . We want to continue and expend in this field and keep on inviting international guest to our place. Our environment has a great impact on our projects. We want our city to keep on developing in the spirit of muticulturalism and diversity and we want to get more involve in this process. We have disco ...
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Let's experience intercultural camp!

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2014,

Project „Let's experience international camp!“includes ten youngsters, 5 of them will be with fewer opportunities from four 3 EU and 2 non EU countries: Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Macedonia and Georgia. The project will take place in a village Mozūriškės. The main activities of volunteers are as follow: helping to build the basics for the workshop “the Noah’s Ark” (this workshop place will be later ...
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Don't Stop Believen'!

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

The project called "Don't Stop Believin'" will take place in Romania, at the YMCA Baia Mare Association, starting December 2010 and ending in December 2011. The main objectives are: promoting active citizenship and volunteering, awareness of youth identity in an European context, mutual understanding, solidarity and tolerance, expression through art. All in all, through this project we want to ke ...
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Let's make the change

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

Group EVS project Let’s make the change is a long-term project involving 6 volunteers from EU countries (FR, IT, SP, RO and PT) in local youth work activities in Prilep, Macedonia for a period of 12 month (6 months activity for each volunteer). Three volunteers will start the project in May 2014. After their service for 6 months, three more volunteers from different countries will continue their ...
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MYTH and/or/but REALITY

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The project “MYTH and/or/but REALITY” is a youth exchange project for nine working days (excluding travel days) to be held in Aghavnadzor, Armenia during 4-14 October of 2013, where the youth from three EU and three Eastern Partnership Countries (Romania, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia) will have the possibility to meet and work in different sites (in an ancient monastery, in mountains ...
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"European Gateways Throughout Armenia" is a group EVS project involving 9 EVS volunteers from 6 EU countries (Sweden, Romania, France, Poland, Lithuania, and Czech Republic) doing their EVS service in 5 host organisations in 5 different towns in Armenia (Goris, Alaverdi, Vanadzor, Gyumri, Yerevan). 7 EVS volunteers will be doing their EVS service for 12 months starting from September 2013 and 2 vo ...
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Let's Do ICL Outdoors

Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

This is a group EVS project in Armenia for a period of 2 months during July-August 2012 involving 12 volunteers from Hungary, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia. There will be 3 volunteers from each country. The themes of the project are art and culture and urban/rural development. The main activity of the volunteers will be to assist the host organization, ICIRLD to prepare and implement educational su ...
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Gateways to the OTHER...

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The project “Gateways to the OTHER...” is designed as a a Partnership Building Activity of 5 working days (excluding travel), which will be held in Armenia, Tsakhkadzor from the 17th of September till 21th of September 2012. The main themes of the project are the Intercultural dimension of EVS and building a Network of like-minded EVS organisation. Representatives of active EVS organisations will ...
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Show your life

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Egyesek hosts 27 youth workers, young people working in the field of media, and young volunteers interested in the topic from 9 countries (LT, LV, CR, RO, BG, FR, TR, CZ, HU) on a 10-day long youth exchange in October 2012. The event takes place in Hollókő, situated in Nógrád county, one of the poorest regions of Hungary with a high percentage of Roma population. The themes are sharing knowledge, ...
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