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17 European Projects Found

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Background Thanks to conservation efforts started in the 1980s, the Hungarian population of the eastern imperial eagle has come back from the brink of extinction, reaching 160 pairs by 2014. The Pannonian biogeographical region (which includes all of Hungary and parts of Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine) now holds some 220 pa ...
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Background According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), sturgeons are the most threatened fish species worldwide. Of the five surviving sturgeon species in the Danube basin, the IUCN Red List categorises four as “critically endangered” and one as “vulnerable”. Population trends for all five are decreasing. Within the EU, ...
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DRAVA LIFE – Integrated River Management (DRAVA LIFE)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2020,

Background River ecosystems are extremely threatened in Europe. The Drava in the project area, along with the connected Mura and Danube reaches, is one of Europe's most important examples. The creation of a Transboundary UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube" in Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia is a central part of Europe's largest riv ...
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Youth Water Camp 2016: Sensing the City

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The Berlin youth camp seeks to strengthen the youth voice in the huge effort of European Water conservation – by bringing young people together & giving them tools to interact with other voices from politics, administration and civil society. Via a focal point on water in the city – water quality and the rediscovery of urban rivers, ecological continuity of the river, new challenges linked to cli ...
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The ?Riverwalk? concept arose out of the desire of youth to explore and get active for wild rivers in Europe, have a meaningful cultural exchange, and share ideas for how to become active citizens for the earth. The organizations (partners) in this project support youth in their leadership development and focus on environmental protection, sustainability and education, are equally interested in th ...
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...pulations, to the long-term economic benefit of fishing communities. The project’s findings concerning sturgeon poaching and the illegal caviar trade were added to official WWF comments regarding the public EC Consultation on the EU approach against Wildlife Trafficking in 2014.
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European Rivers Parliament

Start date: Mar 22, 2015, End date: Sep 21, 2015,

The European Rivers Parliament is the final event of the Big Jump Challenge 2015 ( The Big Jump Challenge is the youth campaign of the Big Jump, a European-wide campaign on water conservation. It empowers youth teams to get creative and take action for their rivers and lakes. The European Rivers Parliament is a policy dialogue between young river ambassadors from across ...
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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

Often young people lack basic soft skills and competences to cope with different life situations, especially such that are connected with relationships, communication, team work, and career start. At the age of 18-30, especially up to 25, they want to participate actively in social life, but they don’t know how to do it. They are open to team work and inter-cultural dialogue, but they lack the abi ...
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Riverwalk Austria: Discovering and Protecting Wild and Wonderful Rivers

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Sep 17, 2014,

The “Riverwalk” concept arose out of a youth exchange in 2013, when Austrian youth expressed a desire to explore and get active for wild rivers in Europe and at the same time have a deep cultural exchange while sharing of ideas for how to become active citizens for the earth. The organizations in this project both focus on environmental protection, sustainability and education, are equally interes ...
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Das Gebiet des Neusiedler Sees/Fertő-tó und die angrenzenden Landschaften des Seewinkels /Fertőzug und des Waasen/Hanság stellen Naturräume von herausragender, internationaler Bedeutung dar. Dem wird durch eine Vielzahl von Schutzinitiativen Rechnung getragen. Um Zielkonflikte zwischen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und der Erhaltung der reichen Naturressourcen der Region zu vermeiden, ist es b ...
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Kooperation im Ramsar-Management in den March-Thaya-Auen (Ramsar SK-AT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

Einer Studie der World Conservation Union (2007) zufolge ist die Biodiversität entlang des gesamten Grünen Bandes das sich vom Nördlichen Eismeer bis zum Kaspischen Meer (entlang des ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhangs) erstreckt am höchsten in den March-Thaya-Auen. Die March-Auen sind in Österreich und der Slowakei als Europaschutzgebiete und als Ramsar-Gebiete designiert, einige Bereiche auf österreich ...
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Der Alpen-Karpaten-Korridor verbindet diese Gebirge und ermöglicht damit den unverzichtbaren Austausch von Genmaterial zwischen Wildtierpopulationen. Diesetraditionelle Wanderroute quert heute eine der wirtschaftlich dynamischsten RegionenEuropas.Mit der Grundlagen-Arbeit im Projekt AKK basic liegt erstmals eine fundierte Basis für die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen vor. Diese sollen in den zentralen Ber ...
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Die Alpen und die Karpaten bilden wertvolle Großräume mit reicher Artenvielfalt. Mit fortschreitender Zersiedelung und Flächeninanspruchnahme wird der Austausch zwischen Wildtierpopulationen immer stärker unterbunden. Ziel des Projektes ist die Planung von Maßnahmen zur Schaffung von für Wildtiere durchlässigen Korridoren im Grenzgebiet Slowakei – Österreich.Ziele:• Durchführung von sektorübergrei ...
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...d ochrany přírody (WWF), jež se dlouhodobě věnuje ekologickému lesnímu managementu a stála u zrodu certifikace FSC. Partneři budou dále spolupracovat na vytvoření a rozvoji přeshraniční databáze certifikovaných podniků a výrobků. Cílem této aktivity je prohloubit propojení jihomoravského a rakouského trhu a přispět tak k trvale udržitelnému rozvoji regionu.
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Conservation and management of the brown bear in Austria (Braunbaer)

Start date: Jul 1, 2005, End date: Dec 31, 2005,

Background The national population of the brown bear in Austria was estimated at between 25 and 30 animals in the Alps mountain range at the start of this project. Worryingly, this number was stagnating despite evidence of continued procreation amongst the bears. Reports were made almost every year of sightings of mother bears with cubs in the bears’ ...
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Management of floodplains on the Tisza (Theiss)

Start date: Jan 1, 2001, End date: Dec 31, 2005,

...stureland has given way to intensive arable farming. Objectives The project, which would be carried out jointly by WWF Austria and WWF Hungary, aimed primarily to reintroduce environmentally-friendly management: arable land would be turned into water meadows, former gravel pits, now filled with water, would be rec ...
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...en, erlebnisintensiven Programmangeboten seit Jahren erfolgreich Bildungsarbeit betrieben. Auf österreichischer Seite zeichnet das Nationalpark-Informationszentrum Illmitz in Zusammenarbeit mit dem WWF Seewinkelhof verantwortlich, auf ungarischer Seite ist es das Informationszentrum Sarród. Trotz erster Ansätze für gemeinsame länderübergreifende Bildungsprojekte fehlt bislang eine institutionalisi ...
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