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18 European Projects Found

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The PROPOUND project has a double objective: a) to introduce and apply a methodology of identification and evaluation of transversal competences, key for employability, in the Postgraduate Programmes in several European Universities and b) to design and disseminate innovative strategies and models for the curricular reform of the Postgraduate Programmes, aimed to promote the training and developme ...
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...f the project will be reached thanks to the experience and credibilityof the LEARNOVATION consortium, that gathers both research leaders in the field ofLLL and ICT for learning (such as Scienter, MENON and the Universidad CatolicaPortuguesa) and professional awareness raising organisations, such as PAU Education(in charge of the European eLearning portal) and EDEN, the largest European networkacti ...
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Reason for the project:Adult educators have an enormous potential for creating an attractive and qualitativelearning environment that facilitates the professional and personal development ofadults and raises the attractiveness and quality of LLL activities. However, only a few ofthem can successfully integrate developments in the rapidly evolving fields ofeducational technology and pedagogy in the ...
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Massive Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) like Second Life, enabling userbasedcontent creation in a 3D-space and real-time online interaction via avatarmovements, gestures, multi-user chat and object exchange, currently go through a rapidboost of usage-rates. Possibilities for using 3D virtual worlds for learning and teachingpurposes are immense as they enable to set up online learning based ...
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LLWINGS aims at developing an elearning system for school teachers (and staff) to develop a set of competences aimed at favouring learning skills acquisition and motivation to learn, and specifically related to the integration of non/informal learning in education to make curricula meaningful to their students and helping them in learning to learn. Early development of learning skills and motivati ...
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The Bologna Process has brought about a series of important reforms in Higher Education, having brought about significant harmonisation in recognition, course structure and quality assurance to name but a few examples. However, the concept of harmonisation, is often ill-equated with the concepts of rigidity and non-flexibility.An even cursory look at the instruments created by the Bologna process ...
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Supporting the professional and personal development of adults is a key“professional” in the knowledge society. However broad and differentiatedit may be according to the context, target learners, aims andorganisational principles, trainers of adults are sufficiently different -andrecognise themselves as such- from the teachers and trainers of youngpeople. The professional identity of adults train ...
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The DREAM JOB project aims to create a common European model with regard to apprenticeship level training and will establish a permanent European Resource Centre for the collection, synthesis and transfer of approaches, methodologies, tools & experiences considered as best practice in the this field.The principal products of the project are in the establishment of a European Resource Centre Networ ...
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The project addressed European priority to contribute to the development of quality lifelong learning, and to promote high performance, innovation and a European dimension in systems and practices in the field. More concretely, the project focused to improve the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of VET services. Though ICT integration into institution quality criteria on institutional, cur ...
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Based on the potential and opportunities afforded by active learning approachescombined with Massive Multi-Users Virtual Environments (MUVEs) as effective solutionsto inspire and engage learners and foster motivation, the MUVEnation project's generalaim is to contribute to explore, analyse, develop and evaluate within context theeffectiveness of this innovative way of teaching and learning with re ...
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Increasing equal opportunities has always been a priority area of the student movement. The project 'equity through e-learning' aims to train student representatives to help and implement policies in order to increase equity and efficiency in their own higher education institutions and countries.
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As the EDEN conference of this year 2007 describes clearly: the rapid evolution andwidespread penetration of new media and technologies, emerging new tools andsolutions constantly change and challenge the ways and means of accessing andsharing knowledge”. The Social Web and collaborative content creation are foreseen toensure accessibility and new pedagogical strategies and changes in order to att ...
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The AcroJump project worked upon the accompaniment process for less qualified and/or less experienced young people in their path towards a job by using Professional Social Networks (PSN). The methodology was derived from a capitalisation of 5 previous European projects on accompanying people I n difficulties The practical experiment was conducted as Territorial Pilot Actions (TPA) in 7 Regions in ...
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...isations in Romania, Austria and the Netherlands, all having long-standing experience in training and empowering student representatives. The e-learning platform will be created in collaboration with Scienter and the Menon Network will act as advisor to its development.
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The proposal for this project is based on the concrete results of a previous (privatelyfinanced) project initiated in 2006 by the IAVANTE Foundation and the University ofGranada, called the “Virtual Simulated Patient” (VSP). It is a computational system thatbehaves and responds as a real patient would during an interview with his or her doctor.Replying to questions about symptoms and illnesses etc ...
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Provision of Open Educational Resources is gaining increasing traction within Europe, with HEIs across the continent beginning to offer a selection of, or entire courses online through their web portals, or through initiatives such as the Open Courseware Consortium. Yet Open Educational Practice is still mainly an ad-hoc activity, embarked upon as an adjunct to the public mission of a university, ...
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The project B.I.F. Network intends to promote the application of ECVET to the training provision of the Banking, Insurance and Financial Services sector. The project is designed to raise awareness and build a path for progressive adoption of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) in order to facilitate the international transfer, accumulation and recognition of in ...
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