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31 European Projects Found

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Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region are facing the challenge of managing its water resources under conditions of increasing scarcity and concerns about water quality. Already, the availability of fresh water in sufficient quality and quantity is one of the major factors limiting socio economic development. Innovative water management strategies such as the storage of reclaimed water or ex ...
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Le projet vise à faciliter laccessibilité aux services par les populations à mobilité réduite et, en général, par la population résidant dans les zones périphériques et défavorisées.Lobjectif général du projet est dexpérimenter une approche du système aux thèmes de laccessibilité aux services, afin daméliorer toute la chaîne du déplacement et du stationnement des points darrêt des sujets défavoris ...
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Le projet soccupe de trois domaines thématiques en les mettant en relation entre eux: le nautisme, les services pour lemploi, l'instruction et la formationprofessionnelle.L'objectif principal de ce projet est de développer deux réseaux transfrontaliers thématiques: un réseau pour l'emploi et l'autre pour l'instruction et la formation professionnelle, afin d'améliorer, en termes qualitatifs et quan ...
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Le projet est dédié aux thématiques de la prévention, de la lutte anti-vectorielle et de la crise des épidémies.Lobjectif général est de consolider la démarche de coopération transfrontalière initiée à travers le projet REDLAV, par lacquisition de biens matériels et immatériels, afin de rendre encore plus efficaces les actions de prévention et de lutte anti-vectorielle réalisées sur la zone de coo ...
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Start date: May 31, 2013, End date: May 30, 2015,

Le projet concerne le développement durable des systèmes urbains, en s'appuyant sur les interrelations avec leurs zones rurales et s'occupe de promouvoir le développement des impacts sociaux, économiques et environnementaux des PME agro-alimentaires localisées dans les territoires des municipalités de Sassari, Gênes, Lucques et de la Haute-Corse.L'objectif global du projet est de contribuer au ren ...
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Il progetto Mistral + prevede tra le attività progettuali, la costituzione di una rete formale di porti turistici dellAlto Mediterraneo. Negli ultimi 3 anni la Provincia di Livorno, grazie ai fondi comunitari (progetto TPE e progetto Mistral) si è attivata per il miglioramento del diporto nautico attraverso interventi diretti e una intensa attività di relazione con tutti gli attori del settore – p ...
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Terragir 2 promeut la coopération entre les entreprises agro-alimentaires et entre celles-ci et les entreprises du service local, notamment dans le domaine touristique. Afin de contribuer concrètement à la valorisation du secteur, le projet se concentre sur la réalisation et la mise en réseau de VITRINES, cest-àdire despaces physiques ou virtuels que les entreprises utilisent pour informer, illust ...
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Biomass + vise à promouvoir la filière courte et l'utilisation de la biomasse. L’objectif général du projet est de valoriser les ressources agricoles et forestières dans le domaine de la coopération par le biais de la «mise en oeuvre», la diffusion et la capitalisation du modèle de gouvernance développé par le projet Biomass, basé sur le principe et la pratique de la filière courte ayant les carac ...
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In Tuscany, Liguria, Corsica and Sardinia, the boating industry is very active, despite the differences between areas, both in terms of shipbuilding production, which in terms of socio-environmental, the project's overall objective delineation a path towards a joint approach involving the districts of four regions in the Mediterranean partners. For the sake of consistency with the Lisbon Strategy ...
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The central theme of the project Tourisme Environnement Ports recreational boating and its development, in particular through the networking of the marinas and the adoption of innovative tools to enhance the attractiveness of the tourist port and dry port and increase the environmental sustainability of ports.The project involves all partner regions of Italy-France Maritime Crossborder Programme b ...
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The project REDLAV aims to improve the governance in the management of the means of combating anti-vector and a crisis of epidemic through the creation of institutional networks of local authorities in the territory for a common approach to reduce discomfort in relation to natural environments. Today, every region in the border region runs its own policy on the issue of the anti-vector and it seem ...
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Corsica, Liguria, Sardinia and Tuscany's coastal provinces hold an important asset not yet fully exploited the Napoleonic and often inaccessible. The project intends Bonesprit from this potential cultural wealth to create a common system of routes designed to enhance and improve the knowledge and use of such testimony and to define common management tools. Recipients of assistance are local instit ...
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The project FOR_ACCESS takes the issue of maintenance and enhancement of cultural heritage represented by the defensive fortifications.From Liguria to the west, in fact, the whole of Tuscany and Corsica and Sardinia, hundreds of fortified settlements of varying nature, size and age, testify to the centuries-old history of the area, and the troubled events that led to building a such a complex defe ...
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The recreational boating industry has a tremendous potential for dynamism and competitiveness and the concentration of enterprises operating in marine construction, marine services of one of the most important in the world. The entire area of ​​cooperation and particularly the region and Stroke Provinces of Lucca, Pisa, Livorno Massa Grosseto La Spezia. The overall project objective is to improve ...
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The project aims to investigate the impacts of world agricultural and animal husbandry, fishery and tourist accommodation on the biodiversity of the natural value of wetlands, the ecosystem function and, in general, the environmental quality of the wetland. We propose to give directions that involve active management of the economic operators (farmers, fishermen, farmers, tour operators) in order ...
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E-pistemeTec involves the construction of a thematic digital library (DL) on the interactive and multilingual heritage of science, technology and natural common areas of the Middle-Upper Tyrrhenian Sea. The reference area includes the north of Corsica, the area of Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia in the south Tyrrhenian, but the impact of the project include the entire area of the target program. E-p ...
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The project SERENA insists on the MDL and the existing network of SPI to strengthen the attractiveness of the large number of jobs in the boating sector and its supply chain. The project involves the whole cooperation area (Liguria, 2 provinces Tuscany, Sardinia and Corsica). The project aims to improve and qualify the cooperation between border areas in terms of accessibility and enhancement of t ...
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The design theme is to optimize the system performance of the multimodal transport of goods through the creation of a new space for cross-border development to reduce barriers to trade and increase the accessibility of areas for the benefit of the generality of citizens which are reduced cost of goods. The overall objective is to develop relations and trade, promote development, enhance the resour ...
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Biomass answers some basic questions: what are the opportunities offered by forest and agricultural biomass to produce energy and heat in the cooperation? What are the benefits and costs in achieving both environmental and economic systems and boilers, and organize their supply chains that provide the raw material? There are conditions for forest biomass power plants by promoting sustainable fores ...
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The theme of the project ITERR-COST - The Romanesque Routes and network in Corsica, Sardinia, Tuscany, on the promotion, enhancement and management of the assets of the Romanesque Upper Tyrrhenian Sea. The Romanesque is one of the roots of European civilization. Between the eleventh and the thirteenth century, presents itself as a cultural and technical language is characterized by unitary element ...
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INCONTRO aims at safeguarding and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage of the joint border between Tuscany, Sardinia and Corsica in order to ensure their knowledge and transmit to future generations. The popular epic poetry and drama were one of the channels of transmission of a culture that is rooted in the land border and transit, marked by major migrations that have imported and exported ...
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The design theme is to optimize the system performance of the multimodal transport of people in poor areas and remote border area, to reduce barriers in access to services and intangible assets by the general public and persons with disabilities. They identified various sectors of activity, resulting in what is the fundamental activity of the project, ie design and testing of a wide range of innov ...
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The design theme is designed to innovate through actions and instruments of governance the exploitation of niche products related to typical rural reality of cross-border territory. The reference area: the 5 provinces of Tuscany, Sardinia and Liguria (Departments of Agriculture), and the Region of Corsica with the Office du Développement Agricole et Rural de Corse. In the area where the project is ...
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Marrakech Environmental Management Audit Scheme (MARRAKEMAS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2005, End date: Dec 31, 2007,

Background The “Conseil de la Ville de Marrakech” manages the whole territory of Marrakech and represents the main point of reference for the management of technical, financial, economic, social and environmental aspects of the urban community. However, recent studies and research (“Diagnostic de ville”, 2003 and “Débat national sur l’Aména ...
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Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

L’objectif est un échange d’expérience des acquis en matière d’aménagement et de gestion intégrée des bassins fluviaux concernant des zones urbaines et péri-urbaines, entre l’espace MEDOCC et les régions du Maghreb, afin de développer une démarche commune sur de thématiques communes : équilibre centres urbains -périphéries, relations villes-campagne, gestion des ressources en eau, risques naturels ...
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Lobjectif est un échange dexpérience des acquis en matière daménagement et de gestion intégrée des bassins fluviaux concernant des zones urbaines et péri-urbaines, entre lespace MEDOCC et les régions du Maghreb, afin de développer une démarche commune sur de thématiques communes : équilibre centres urbains -périphéries, relations villes-campagne, gestion des ressources en eau, risques naturels, po ...
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« Merite » sintéresse au territoire rural des régions des rives sud et nord de la Méditerranée. Ce territoire se trouve face à une évolution complexe et rapide, comprenant une multitude de risques sociaux, culturels et économiques. Les transformations en cours, au sujet de la production agricole, menacent lemploi et léconomie régionale, et posent la question urgente de la diversification économiqu ...
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...'utilizzo di un "Osservatorio itinerante multimediale", una tensostruttura dotata di arredi multimediali che consentirà ai visitatori di addentrarsi in un "tour ludico-didattico" con le lagune della provincia di Oristano. Il tutto sotto la guida di qualificati esperti, un ingegnere ambientale ed un biologo, che daranno l'opportunità di acquisire ogni informazione sull'ecosistema tipico dell'area u ...
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...ribute to the improvement of both general employment figures and those which refer specifically to disadvantaged users. All this will have an impact which will have consequences at the level of provincial planning of training provision.
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...delle merci con altri importanti poli logistici presenti nell'ambito del partenariato (porto di Livorno, interporto di Guasticce) per ottimizzare i movimenti delle merci in transito sul territorio provinciale implementando l'offerta di servizi logistici integrati fra ferro e gomma a vantaggio del sistema produttivo locale.
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...idattici.- Realizzazione di una piattaforma sperimentale per lo studio della biodiversità genetica riferita ai prodotti tipici (viticoli) dei territori del progetto, da realizzarsi presso la Provincia di Lucca.- Realizzazione di una Enoteca itinerante (wine bus) allinterno di un autobus storico opportunamente attrezzato, quale strumento per la promozione del Vermentino e dei prodotti tipici di qua ...
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