Charles Talbot

: Aug 26, 2021

Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me

LICA is an SME. We are a participatory action-research laboratory which test, deploy and couple digital tools with collective intelligence methods to meet issues of our contemporary world and create collective projects with inclusive and sustainability goals

We are interpreters and bridges between public and private institutions, academical research organisations and citizens to achieve social and digital transitions towards environmental sustainability of communities.

We have tools to create and help the governance of the commons community and resources, especially with a mix of creative common licences.

We are composed with a team animated by a profound joy of sharing knowledges, know-how and resources. We are joining on the field actions, commitment and lucidity to create  collective, inclusive and sustainable projects.

We are developing an hybride economical model mixing public and private fundings. LICA is both a non-profit and a cooperative organisation entity.

LICA is labelled Living Lab () and "young innovative company" which is sujbect to "research tax refund" for it-self and for its customers doing ; LICA is also labelled as "company with social utility", belonging to the French "SUD LABS" network.

Keywords and matching areas:

 Urban Development
 Innovation & Research
 Europe for Citizens
 Horizon Europe
 Open Source
 Digital Society
 Territorial Cooperation

Ideas in Progress

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