Association of Metal Companies of Madrid

: Apr 8, 2021

Looking for Partnership
About Me

AECIM (Metal Industry Companies Association in Madrid) is an Association created in 1978 in the metal sector in the Madrid Region. Nowadays, 23 employees advise and support the associated companies in different areas: international, business cooperation, technology transfer, environment and quality, innovation, tax, law, professional training, employment services, etc.

The Association includes companies, professionals and associations dedicated to trade, industry and services in the Madrid Region’s Metal Sector

At  present time, 7000 companies are associated to AECIM: 70% from the industry and services sector and 30% to the trade sector. AECIM integrate 37 metal subsectors associations.

Metal sector in Madrid is widescope and thus AECIM integrates enterprises from the following industry and services subsectors: Information and Communication Technologies,  automotive and automation components, aeronautics/aerospace, metal - mechanics, metal processing, electronics, telecoms, electrical and electrical equipment/components, surface treatment, metal components, railway components, etc…

AECIM, through its Department of Environment and Energy carries out extensive advisory work in the area of environment and energy efficiency within the companies in the metal sector in Madrid.

Additionally, AECIM is working, since long time ago, in close cooperation with some regional research and education entities, clusters, public administration (like us and others) and other stakeholders, thus following the triple helix approach of the clusters.

Keywords and matching areas:

 Enterprise and Industry
 Automotive Industries
 Horizon Europe
 Transnational cooperation

Ideas in Progress

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