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19 European Projects Found

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Generation Transition

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

In a world where natural recourses are scarce and valuable, many problems occur; conflicts, depletion, contamination... The range of problems is very wide, and is mainly experienced by the South (Latin America, Africa, Asia). Therefore, a transition to a new economy and a sustainable use of natural resources is necessary. To reach this change in our own country, we need strong leaders and entrepre ...
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EVS Looking to Future (Springbos 2016)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

“EVS Looking to Future (Springbos 2016)” is a creative project with a combination of three different aspects in it namely: A1: Short term EVS (EVS at Don Bosco Rijswijk (10 April-08 May 2016) in which 8 volunteers with fewer opportunities from 4 countries come to Rijswijk and Amsterdam, The Netherlands for a month, A2: Longterm EVS at Don Bosco Rijswijk (2 February 2016 to 30 January 2017), in wch ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

‘E-crobatics4” is an EVS-project funded under ERASMUS+. A volunteer works for a longer period as an assistent-teacher in Circusschool Circolito, in Mechelen, Belgium. Circolito hosted similar projects already, but due to the big input by the volunteer, every project is new and innovative. E-CROBATICS stands for "Europe - Creating Respectfull Openness By Assisting Teachers In Circus Skills" One vol ...
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Proud on pride

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Group EVS Proud on Pride will gather 10 volunteers from 5 different countries (Italy, Spain, France, Croatia and Slovakia). In the period before the Pride they will be involved in the program of the Festival Pride Parade. Typical task for volunteers will be preparation of facilities prior to events, technical + logistical support during and after each event, communication with participants at even ...
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You(th) Moving to Future EVS 2015-16

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

“You(th) Moving to Future EVS 2015-16” is a long term EVS and Jobshadowing Program organized in Rijswijk, The Netherlands. The project is motivated and organized by Don Bosco Youthnet Nederland (DBYn NL) and her partners from four different countries. DBYn NL has been hosting and sending EVS volunteers for the past 11 years. It has been always a positive experience for all the partners, and especi ...
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Creative Youth

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

This project connects 7 partners on EVS and the project is follow up of project Creative youth from previous deadline. We will educate active youngsters from SFERA Russia, KASA Armenia, LINK Italy to improve their communication skills in English, their knowledge from ERASMUS+ program and intercultural learning in June 2015. One way how they can valorizate their skills from the training to take a p ...
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Around the world and Beyond

Start date: May 5, 2015, End date: Aug 5, 2016,

AROUND the WORLD and BEYOND: Youth Crossing the Borders for social Change and Innovation (Group EVS 2015) is a Group EVS Program organized in Rijswijk, The Netherlands. The project is motivated and organized by Don Bosco Youthnet Nederland (DBYn NL) and her partners. DBYn NL has been hosting and sending EVS volunteers for the past 11 years. It has been always a positive experience for all the par ...
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Meeting point

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Patronato Sociocultural through IMAGINA- Service of Youth, childhood and adolescence in Alcobendas promotes and organizes training and information activities for youth 14-30 years old and for children and adolescents 4-15 years old throughout the municipality. As part of our policy of opportunity and access to international programs in Europe, hosting European volunteers over 10 years ago, which s ...
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Getting involved - getting international

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 17, 2016,

1. Scouting Slovakia offers three young volunteers from the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and the Great Britain the chance to spend one year in Slovakia, taking part in the everyday life of our organisation. We want to involve them especially in three areas of our work: A. program section - dealing with ínteresting program offer for various age groups from children to young adults, developing, ...
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Back to Square One

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

This seminar analyzed youth exchanges as tools for greater inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. We have noticed that over the years number of such activities dropped significantly in our network therefore we will empower our partners towards organising them. Youth exchanges are an ideal mobility project where you can reach out to larger group of young people. Age-wise you can alrea ...
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“YOU(TH) Moving to Future: Volunteering in a Multicultural background” was a long term EVS Program organised in Don Bosco Rijswijk in The Netherlands and Svitac in Bosnia. This project aimed to give 6 volunteers an experience of European Voluntary Service promoting intercultural learning and working with children (often disadvantaged) and young people. Responsibilities were given to the volunteers ...
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Out of the Box

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

‘Out of the Box’ is a training course on creating and developing new projects within Erasmus+ whilst learning best practices on how to maintain a project and give it life. SPYS has a main aim to develop youths towards good and honest citizens and this project ensures a positive impact and participation of the youths towards the community. ‘Out of the Box’ aims to train youths and engineer their pr ...
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The Contact-Making Event “We will come together III - Disadvantaged youngsters in European youth projects” aims at supporting organisations from program countries from EU28 who are working on a daily basis with the target group “youngsters with fewer opportunities” in implementing international mobility projects for socially and individually disadvantaged youngsters within Erasmus+/Youth. The part ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Patronato Sociocultural through IMAGINA – Alcobendas youth, childhood and adolescence Institution promotes and organizes training and information activities for young people aged from 14 to 30 years and for children and teenagers aged from 4 to 15 years all over the municipality. As a part of our policy of opportunities and access to international programs in Europe, we are hosting European volunt ...
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Youth Hatch !: Incubadora de proyectos de emprendimiento social juvenil

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 16, 2015,

Youth Hatch! is an educational project as a " incubator for social projects " that allow participants to shape their ideas and the generation of social entrepreneurship projects and further development. The participants are volunteers and workers in the field of youth from12 EU countries (AT, BE, CR , DE , ES, IT , MT, NL, PL, SK , SI, UK) Youth hacth! , is conceived as a learning path consisting ...
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Volunteer - Key to the Future !

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Volunteer- Key to the Future ! is a Youth Democracy "Project, organised by Don Bosco Youth-Net ¡vzw as a celebration of volunteering. As such we see this project part of the European year of volunteering.Volunteer- Key to the Future ! applies the concept of representative democracy as a roadmap. All partner promoters start-off with a local meeting with their volunteers- On this meeting they will d ...
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Empower and involve!

Start date: Jan 1, 2010,

"Empower and involve!" is a training course (TC) which focuses on training and empowering participants to work together in an international team to organise, lead and evaluate international youth activities through the Youth in Action programme. The TC takes place in Germany (Aktionszentrum), and will bring together 26 participants from 13 EU member states. There will be a special focus on how the ...
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"Advocacy is speaking up, drawing a community's attention to an important issue, and directing decision¬makers toward a solution. Advocacy is working with other people and organisations to make a difference".This definition of the concept "advocacy" is the starting point of the seminar Speaking up - Youth Advocacy as a Tool for Active Citizenship. The role of young people in local, national and Eu ...
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You(th) for Human Rights

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

Over the last years the issue of Human Rights has become a core element of the public debates. Media, public institutions, NGO's, foundations, … they all have made their voices heard. At the same time we need to recognise that it are children and young people who suffer most from the violations of Human Rights, mostly because they are considered to be voiceless. As a result they are also not re ...
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