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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This seminar analyzed youth exchanges as tools for greater inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. We have noticed that over the years number of such activities dropped significantly in our network therefore we will empower our partners towards organising them. Youth exchanges are an ideal mobility project where you can reach out to larger group of young people. Age-wise you can already start from 13 years old. This creates opportunities for our member organisations to develop youth exchanges in the form of an international summer camp, as well as a summer meeting of older volunteers around a specific topic. Next to this is it a good format to include young people facing fewer opportunities in an international mobility project. In a youth exchange young people come in group, and are supported by youth leaders from their sending organisation. This is very important to lower the barriers for their participation. Youth exchanges have always been of interest for all the organisations taking part in this seminar. However the last years our member organisations have not been applying for them as much as in the past. This seminar wanted to bring youth exchanges back to the attention of our members, and initiate the future creation of innovative projects. This happened through exchange of experiences, presentation of the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+ Programme, sessions about project planning and networking. The seminar took place from the 15th till the 18th of October in Munich. 21 particpants, 2 facilitators and 1 staff member from the hosting organisation joined the programme. The participants were staff members or volunteers involved in the organisation of international projects, in particular of youth exchanges.

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