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21 European Projects Found

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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse...
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The world demographic growth and global climate change are major challenges for human society,hence the need to design new strategies for maintaining high crop yield in unprecedented environmental conditions.The objective of TomGEM is to design new strategies aiming to maintain high yields of fruit and vegetables at harsh temperature conditions, using tomato as a reference fleshy fruit crop.As yie...
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The overall goal of the RE4-Project is to promote new technological solutions for the design and development of structural and non-structural pre-fabricated elements with high degree of recycled materials and reused structures from partial or total demolition of buildings. The developed technology will aim at energy efficient new construction and refurbishment, thus minimizing environmental impact...
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Strengthening food and nutrition security (FNS) in the EU requires a move towards a diet that supports sustainable food consumption and production. To gauge the policy reforms needed for this major societal challenge, the SUSFANS-consortium will identify how food production and nutritional health in the EU can be aligned. The multidisciplinary research agenda of SUSFANS will build the conceptual f...
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EUTW Trans Continental Cooperation on the EU Studies

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Background In the past six years, the European Union Centre in Taiwan (EUTW), the largest university level Consortium in Taiwan on the EU studies, offered a wide and in-depth gateway for the advancement of knowledge of the EU and has become a platform for academic exchange within the Taiwan EU Studies community. The host university, National Taiwan University, is a world-class interdisciplinary u...
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Languages, Culture, and Politics in the EU

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

In 2009, the European Commission and National Taiwan University signed an agreement and the European Union Centre in Taiwan (hereafter, EUTW) was established. In 2010, Prof. Hungdah Su, the General Director of EUTW was awarded the first Jean Monnet Chair in Taiwan. In 2012, EUTW was selected to present its held activities at the EU Centres World Meeting. In 2013, the European Commission and NTU...
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European Union Centre of Excellence at National Taiwan University

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

National Taiwan University has decided to apply to establish the EU Centre of Excellence for the following reasons. 1. NTU is a world-class interdisciplinary university and one of the Chinese-speaking world’s flagship educational institutions. 2. NTU is the host university of the European Union Centre in Taiwan (EUTW), jointly created by the European Union and the consortium of seven Taiwanese uni...
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Preparing for Extreme And Rare events in coastaL regions (PEARL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Coastal floods are one of the most dangerous and harmful natural hazards affecting urban areas adjacent to shorelines. Rapid urbanisation combined with climate change and poor governance means a significant increase in the risk of local surface flooding coinciding with high water levels in rivers and high tide or storm surges from the sea, posing a greater risk of devastation to coastal communiti...
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Despite recent evolutions of tools/practices in the Architecture Engineering, Construction and Facility Management have already resulted in considerable advances, some limitations remain, related to the complexity and variability of building life cycles, addressing building end user awareness and participation, lack of new business models, life cycle fragmentation, limited interoperability of the ...
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EUTW National Forums on Policy, Culture and Science of the EU

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

According to the past six year’s experience with outreach activities, we found three main categories which might interest the majority of the Taiwanese population. They are the political and economic development of the EU institution; EU culture, tourism and societal issues and the Horizon 2020 where environment and ICT issues are more popular. Hence, we decided to expand our regular forum into ...
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EcoShopping project aims to build a holistic retrofitting solution for commercial buildings to reduce primary energy consumption down to less than 80kWh/m2 per year and increase the share of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) more than 50% compared to the state of the art. The approach will be systemic by developing (1). Novel thermal insulation solutions using cost effective materials to further redu...
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Air-conditioning is a rapidly growing electrical end-use in EU. A/C systems reduce temperature of the ambient air while removing humidity. However such combined air conditioning/dehumidification is generally inefficient. A promising approach is represented by Hybrid Liquid Desiccant (HLD) systems, where the latent load is removed by a liquid desiccant dehumidifier, while the sensible load is remov...
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The project aims at developing new technology routes to integrate waste materials in the production cycle of concrete, for both ready-mixed and pre-cast applications, resulting in an innovative light-weight, eco-compatible and cost-effective construction material, made by all-waste raw materials and characterized by low embodied energy and CO2 and by improved ductility and thermal insulation perfo...
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Strategies and tools for Real Time EArthquake RisK ReducTion (REAKT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Earthquakes are a serious threat for many European countries, particularly those around the Mediterranean Sea. In many cities exposed to high earthquake hazard, a substantial proportion of the population still lives in buildings that do not meet modern earthquake-resistant standards. Preventive actions, such as retrofitting of structures, are essential, but they are not sufficient and cannot be a...
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The refurbishing to an energy efficient standard leads to tight buildings (whole envelope: windows, walls, etc.) and affects the indoor climate. In case of refurbishing the inhabitants or users are not adapted to this new situation. Therefore the air exchange rates could be lower than required if no mechanical ventilation is installed or the system performance is not optimised. Then, in trying to ...
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Our capacity to effectively sustain biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales is an essential component of European environmental sustainability. Anthropogenic and environmental pressures on biodiversity act differently at different scales. Consequently, effective conservation responses to these threats must explicitly consider the scale at which effects occur, and therefore it is crucial th...
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Collaborative research on flood resilience in urban areas (CORFU)

Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

Collaborative research on flood resilience in urban areas (CORFU) is an interdisciplinary international project that will look at advanced and novel strategies and provide adequate measures for improved flood management in cities. The differences in urban flooding problems in Asia and in Europe range from levels of economic development, infrastructure age, social systems and decision making proces...
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Genomics biomarkers of environmental health (EnviroGenomarkers)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

This project concerns the first large-scale application of the full range of –omics technologies in a population study aiming at a) the discovery and validation of novel biomarkers predictive of increased risks of a number of chronic diseases, b) the exploration of the association of such biomarkers with environmental exposures, including high-priority pollutants and emerging exposures, and c) the...
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European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"European policy making is hampered by considerable uncertainty about the magnitude and nature of the impacts of long term exposure to air pollution on human health. ESCAPE is a collaboration of more than 30 European cohort studies including some 900,000 subjects. It is aimed at quantifying health impacts of air pollution and at reducing uncertainty. ESCAPE will also test new hypotheses on specifi...
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Project objective:Europe and South East Asia are two areas where multiple cultures meet and many languages arespoken, often in the same city. All partners in this project are experts on multilingualism andmulticulturalism by academic training as well as by the nature of their local society, with differentAsian and European perspectives. We aim to bring these different academic and cultural perspec...
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Europe and South East Asia are two areas where multiple cultures meet and many languages are spoken, often in the same city. All partners in this project are experts on multilingualism and multiculturalism by academic training as well as by the nature of their local society, with different Asian and European perspectives. We aim to bring these different academic and cultural perspectives together ...
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