Foyer Rural CEPAGE

: Oct 7, 2021

Looking for Partnership
About Me

Foyer Rural CEPAGE is a non profit organization established in 1987 in Puget Théniers in a rural area near Nice.


The activities offered by the CEPAGE Rural Foyer are based on three axes: training, information, animation. The Foyer Rural CEPAGE offers projects or is part of measures allowing it to achieve its objectives.

In terms of training: it has benefited from a public contract with the PACA region and offers in this context a Territorial Space Access to First Knowledge as well as a Territorial Space Access to Qualification (on average 50 trainees year-round vocational training). For 5 years, it has offered a Popular Rural University "Auguste Blanqui": a space for the exchange of knowledge and access to knowledge open to young people and to all audiences.

In terms of facilitation: it has been awarded the Relais de Services Publics et Espace Régional Internet Citoyen label (Democratization of the use of ICT), facilitation of workshops, media education, etc.

In terms of information, it was the host structure for a Europe Direct Information Center (official network for information and animation of European institutions in the regions) and bearer of projects relating to European citizenship.

In terms of youth, the CEPAGE Rural Foyer welcomes around ten young people as part of educational activities in European citizenship and the media (animation of collaborative workshops, organization of video reports with and by young people, etc.). The CÉPAGE also welcomes two young people in the European Solidarity Corps

CEPAGE is also a social center: 

We established 3 major axes of work:

    1. Family and parenthood
    2. Access to rights
    3. Living together

We provide a safe place to welcome and meet people overcome by difficulties, meet their expectations, and find solutions to their ;

Through conviviality, animation, meetings, and exchanges, the social centre team promotes the conditions for living well together in a region rich in diversity.

Finally, CEPAGE is a leader of an Erasmus + project named Euro Youth Medialab and of a CERV project related to citizen engagement and participation.

Keywords and matching areas:

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Adult Learning
 Lifelong Learning

Ideas in Progress

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