Tourism, hospitality, management and sustainability

5 years ago

ISAG- European Business School



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Economics, ICT, Finance, Management, Marketing, Tourism, Hospitality, Mathematics, Psychology and others,

Our University has also High professional and Technical courses in the areas of hospitality, tourism, and others.

We are very interested in became partners in future projects ideas, under ERASMUS+, Horizon 2020, Knowledge Alliances cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises, Cosme, Europe for citizens, Interreg, Urbact II, etc.

We also are open to participate in projects that need a reliable partner in the field of applied research tasks, innovation, needs analyses, skills research / improvement, technology based learning, regional development, policy analysis and recommendations.

 Sustainable Development
 Development and Cooperation
 Urban Development
 International Relations
 Partnership Management

Looking for a partnership?
Have a look at
Ma Région Sud!

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