Social Professionals

7 years ago

Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual NIÑOS CON AMOR

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Social professionals from the disability sector, immigrants, people at risk of social exclusion, minors and the elderly co-generate good practices.

It is necessary that there are professionalised social entities in Europe. To improve the management of resources and to promote the proper functioning of entities.

Foundations and Associations need to be professionalized. They must have good management. They must establish networks of resources. They have to have a good network of contacts. They should encourage the raising of funds. And they have to generate good practices among the rest of Foundations and Associations.

 Capacity Building
 Human Resources
 Social Innovation
 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 European Voluntary Services
 Social and Welfare
 Migrants and Refugees

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