We have been developing a project to apply to the European Commission call Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund - within Priority 1 - Raising awareness on migrant's contribution to EU societies ().
The primary purpose of the project with a descriptive title "Strenghtening cultural competences to live together in diversity" is to contribute to raising awareness on migrants' contribution to EU societies. This will result in more successful integration of immigrants. The key output will be a comprehensive e-learning tool with 'Stories libray' pratform and its desimitaion within the cooperating countries. An important project activity will be an international awareness raising campaign. Target audiences are primarily pupils (students), teachers (and other school stuff), migrants and general public.
We invite 2 interested organisations to join our project partner organisation should come from fields such as: migrations, multicultural cooperation, education and/or communication.
The application due date is March 1st 2018, so please let us know if you are interested to join our project team asap.
Best regards, ISA institute team
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