Interested in a Partnership (ESMIG- the European voice of smart energy solutio...)

8 years ago
EU funded project - Integration of Demand Response in Energy Management Systems while ensuring interoperability
The aim of the project is to implement and test of a modular and interoperable framework based on existing (and when needed the adaptation of existing) standards to improve integration between Telecommunication and Utility equipment enabling demand side management services.
This framework will be used to implement and demonstrate demand side management for homes and buildings covering energy monitoring capabilities, integration of RES, storage, home automation, self-learning user behaviour, etc.

Main objectives of the project are:
• State-of-the-art implementation, analysis and refinement of all applicable (to Demand Response) standards;
• Creation of a standards-based modular and interoperable system infrastructure for Demand Response;
• Integration of communication solutions developed by the Telecom Industry and the Energy Utilities’ Industry (“oneM2M” communication standards and specific utility applications / systems);
• Demonstration of the referred architectures and systems under different market conditions that will serve as a show case and as validation of the developed solutions and standards.

The implemented and demonstrated architecture will show how technology developed by and for the Utility Industry (a “vertical” application) can be combined with “horizontal” M2M solutions developed by the Telecoms Industry.
The horizontal M2M platform retained for this project is the platform defined in the standards and technical specifications of the oneM2M global organization The reason for this choice is because it fulfills the double criteria of wide support from ICT standardization organizations (ETSI, TIA, CCSA, ARIB, TTA, TTC, ATIS, OMA) and wide support by the ICT industry (over 200 companies are participating members of oneM2M).
The project thus not only shows how a vertical application can be combined with a horizontal M2M platform, but also how the same can be used by other vertical Smart City applications (Transport, Social services, E-mobility, etc.) as an example of mapping specific applications on M2M technology. As such a general infrastructure for multiple Smart City applications is being created.


As partner, we can provide:
- Communication architectures, Use Cases and communication standards for Demand Side Response/Flexibility.
- Combinations of Telecom (M2M) and Utility standards.
- Technical solutions to demonstrate new functionalities and services for consumers in order to enable their participation in the energy market (for example the provision of flexible demand, which is an important cornerstone of the future energy market).
- A communication platform that is based on open international standards.


ESMIG is looking for a consortium that wants to use our expertise in the framework of a EU-funded project.

 Energy Efficiency
 Intelligent Energy

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