“ Fighting Poverty through Improved Environment ”

6 years ago


Non Profit


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Motivated by statement of children and youths in rural area who grow up with number of risks factors, and needs for social inclusion was set up a joint – venture project “ Fighting Poverty through Improved Environment ”for community sustainability – on social innovation project with global approach. By incorporating a range of best practice sustainable technologies, the vision of the project is to create a beautiful living site (5 ha) as a model ‘Earth Village’ of national significance which will serve as a showcase for other rural and urban developments in Moldova. Recognizing mutual needs to readdress rural demographic changes, stop pollution and agricultural sector degradation we look to provide and deliver on social innovation project with global approach based on local resources potential.

At the core of the project Innovation, “ Fighting Poverty through Improved Environment “ integrate approach we plan to tackles three of the Society ’s greatest problems – economic empowerment, change human mentality – education , and environmental sustainability .

1. Educational and social inclusion component:

The “Earth Village” site  is provide to be operational for two categories at risk people:

For the first category the major challenges is to Enhance Social Integration/Inclusion of about 60 school-age children with disabilities and youth with difficult character, coming from selected communities boarding-schools and ; The Village will be built in a way that children can learn housekeeping and many other skills – for example, house building, cultivation, nature protection, arts, computer skills, communication, etc. -  that will be extremely useful for a complete independent life after they will leave the “Island” and it will positively influence their character and personality. They in turn will demonstrate for the larger population how they can become self-supporting through their own efforts and by improving their ;

2. Infrastructure elements and facilities composition.

Residential living area” will consist of main building with workrooms, classrooms and cultural center, household building and eight separate small houses for 60 youths at risk living, and one building and three houses for 50-60 elderly people. Clean technologies: All the buildings will be equipped with modern, energy saving technologies and there will be used such renewable energy sources like biomass, wind, photovoltaic and solar energy. A large square for hosting outdoor events will be realized in the Earth  Village .The square will contain outdoor sport complex facilities, a solar basin , fountain, fitness equipment, PV outdoor lighting system. The project includes demonstration and widespread adoption to convert five hectares of land in the area of green ;

Green Buildings: To get the cost reduction technologies for buildings is provide to use in quality of innovative materials removed from stockpiles plastic bottles (bricks) and energy saving category resolution.

The project will also introduce energy- and resource-efficiency improvements as well as climate-change mitigation and adaptation measures: As Moldova is fully dependant from resources of import, is provide an stand-alone energy power system for “ Earth Village” location that are not fitted with an energy distribution network . Within the environment portfolio approach to greenhouse matters and due of conventional initial investment and high operational costs is providing autonomous and decentralized solutions for supplying with electric power – such as the PV/Wind/ Biomass hybrid system of electricity generation and energy storage and for thermal energy PVT Solar heating Pump Units for each building and house in adequate consideration. All energetic supply and demand utilities (including electricity input power of heating pumps) to ensure instantaneous balance during the year/ day are integrated in one of grid

Quantifying the social, economic and environmental advantages that project will deliver co-benefits transferred to local communities - from training to job creation, fuel savings to time savings, infrastructure development to ecosystem conservation.

Besides, teachers can leverage these tools to drive experiential learning about passive design, on-site energy generation and storage, cutting-edge technology, community integration, and the natural environment. 

Actually, we have limited our pilot to vulnerable youths because of the preponderance of unemployment rate and demographic changes in our communities. If the pilot proves successful, we provide to include in our program elderly homeless people.  


 Start Up
 Capacity Building
 Sustainable Development
 Smart Cities
 Education and Training
 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
 European social fund (ESF)
 Civil Engineering

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