Enhance sustainable peaceful coexistence and social mobility through local community Based peace forum and reconciliation

3 years ago


Non Profit


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Project Document: Information

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Request for small funding from any interesting partner

Project Title

Enhance sustainable peaceful coexistence and social mobility through local community Based peace forum and reconciliation

Consortium lead

Christian Action for Relief and Development-CARD

Consortium partner

Agricultural  Youth Action for Development Agency-AYADA

Primary Contact Person Name

Andrew Apiny Macham


Executive Director



Contact email address

Secondary contact person

Okello James Awet


Executive Director

Phone Number


Contact email

Project Location

Jur River county 

Start Date

As soon as possible

End Date


Budget requested



Background information

Western  Bahr el Ghazal State is one of the state affected  by Intercommunal conflict since 2017 the conflict between the cattle keepers and the farmers Luo had resulted into killing, destruction of properties, raping and massive displacement of people across the state of Western Bahr el Ghazal State. Western Bahr el Ghazal states remains highly vulnerable to a range of economic, inter-communal conflict, political, food insecurity, social, and environmental and security related ;  Jur River county in Western Bahr el Ghazal state is occupied by the Luo whose their social economic activities are predominantly agriculturalists, hunters, while their rivals from Warrap State are Dinka dominated who are mainly cattle keepers whose social economic activities are primarily depend on herding livestock for a living and depends on grazing lands and water resources during the dry season.

 Western Bahr el Ghazal lies in the ironstone plateau agro-ecological zone with thick, tall grasses and sparse forest trees which is good for animals to depend on for food while at the same time the ironstone plateau is predominantly an agricultural area. The main rainfall season in Western Bahr el Ghazal State falls between June and November, Household’s food economy in the area mainly consists of own production (long term and short term sorghum, Sesame, groundnuts and varieties of indigenous vegetables), goat, sheep, chicken and fish) and wild food (fruits, roots, leaves and honey at small scale). This sacristy of natural  resources  in Warrap States had usually result into  annual cattle seasonal movement  to neighbor state Western Bahr el Ghazal  in search for pasture  which often cause conflict between Luo ,  Fertit who are farmers of Western Bahr el Ghazal state   with  Dinka cattle keepers from Warrap states.

Peace Building and conflict transformation has been identified by CARD and AYAD as a key focus area for CARD and AYADA in this areas, Communities in two states Western Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap state   in Bahr el Ghazal region which have experienced mass displacement, physical destruction of houses, killing, raping, and trauma at both the individual and the community and social levels. It is here that the wounds of war and violence are deepest, and here that peace building is most necessary and urgency needed.

There is need to engage the affected population to restore peace in the state– CARD and AYADA aim to engage all stakeholders who have important roles and ways they can contribute to peace building, healing and recovery at the community level who their capacity has been   weakened  due to lack of resources that had hamper their abilities to pursue peace.

CARD and AYADA will disseminate generally contextualize it recommended good community peace intervention practices to enhance sustainable peace coexistence among the target groups. CARD and AYADA Strategy is to foster and support local sustainable community based peace building structures and processes which strengthen the prospects of community based organisations to decrease the likelihood of the outbreak, reoccurrence or continuation of violent conflict in the target to enhance sustainable peaceful coexistence and harmony among the communities.


Statement of the problem

Western Bahr el Ghazal state is one of the most affected States in Bahr el Ghazal region by Intercommunal conflict since 2017 the conflict between the cattle keepers and the farmers Luo had resulted into killing, destruction of properties, raping and massive displacement of people across the state of Western Bahr el Ghazal State. The three states remains highly vulnerable to a range of economic, inter-communal conflict, political, food insecurity, social, and environmental and security related shocks. Organised community peace forum and youth peace forum

Statement of the problems

The conflict between pastoralism and agricultural communities are sparked by shortages of natural resources such as water and lack of pasture for the animal as animal depends on the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Yearly there is animal seasonal movement from Warrap state to neighbour state, Western Bahr el Ghazal, this animals seasonal movement are sparked by shortages of natural resources such as water, pasture for the animal as animal depends on the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

The Luo and Fertite communities of Western Bahr e Ghazal State are mainly agriculturalist who their products  including long staple crop such as sorghum (Ulala), cassava, Sesame, groundnuts and varieties of indigenous vegetables) and fish wild food (fruits, roots, leaves and honey all of these crops require long time to yield and mainly harvest throughout the year.

Unlikely, this is not the case for Pastoralists Dinka whose social economic activities are primarily depend on herding livestock for a living and depends on grazing lands and water resources during the dry season, sadly enough their environments are not favourable for their animals during dry period which usually force them to move to neighbour states. This social economic activities differences among these communities has turn to be problematic every year the two communities have dispute. The conflict has been hijacked by the politicians and instigate the conflict among the communities from two states of which thousands of people were display as result. The conflict among the different overdue has turned into its tribalism war, tribe against another ; As result the different communities had become the traditional rivals to the each other.

In spite of this, little has been done to address the inter-tribal conflict and pastoralists vs. farmers but both had been documented as one of the great factors in Western Bahr el Ghazal State, that claim loss of lives and displacement civilians across the state since 2017 up to present time.

A lot of efforts have been made by peace actors address it from top down approach to resolve myriad of conflicts going on in these areas, but answer didn’t come there, in addition to that  the  local institutions  and the police have often shown lack of capacity and little knowledge on their role in conflict mitigation  combine to their political affiliation worsen situation and lack of justice system have left  communities with little option but to use violence to find redress to their grievances.

Weak administration could have attributed to most causes and wrong approaches to conflict mitigation and management has also added to the issues, community are not engage, involve, participate in the matter concern them, it’s always leaders and politicians who in one way are part of the problem, they have robbed the   power from local community, this had significantly increased the ; The call for revitalization of community leadership to take up responsible is essence urgent of now to intervene using their local knowledges and power to end ; For decade, these animals have been coming to Jur River County for grazing and there was no problem between the two communities, though there were issues then they were handled amicably or were resolved peacefully by intervention of chiefs or elders without engagement of international bodies and random killings were uncommon.

These days, political affiliation, downsizing the local leadership or undermine traditional leaders, elders advices, despite local knowledge have trigger the conflict  to reached this maximum, simple  there is no longer respect for traditional authorities, church leaders, values have been reduced to military ; What is important in these societies these days is whether you are a good fighter, whether you have a high rank in the army, or whether you have killed a lot.

Regardless of this the call for Peace now is the unrelenting needs at the moment in the target groups, the community have seen and bearded the consequence of conflict and they cannot longer afford to pursue war but peace and harmony.


Project justification

The peace actor’s methodology approaches were/are that they become the determinant factors to the matter that they don’t have local knowledge and understanding. Our understanding here is that communities are they determinant factors to decide on their affairs. What this process mean is that its transferring the power and responsibility to the communities to enable them to decide on the future of their communities and their roles in it.

In achieving sustainable peaceful coexistence among affected populations they have to be initiators, planners, implementers, the role of agency is to engage the community to take lead and we take backseat, this is what we call bottom upward approach.

We know that It has been culture and practices among the peace actors, the warries factors leaders /representative are often brought together in hotels to discuss the many issues affect their communities and they come up with strong recommendations to mitigation conflict, but in most cases they never achieve sustainable peace why because the talks were planned at the High-level by outsiders, which usually focus only on ‘senior leadership’ interests. Communities and those most affected are often left out.

 When in really sense many conflicts exist directly at community levels need community engagement, involvement and participation in peace building and conflict mitigation leaving them out is another conflict. We cannot repeat the same mistake, in this program our approach, the communities are they are one to plan, organise meeting, implement their action plan, and we mobiliser resource to support their initiative, for very long time development agencies, peace actors have been blamed for planning, organising for community, in this approach CARD and leaders we are peace monitoring support them with resources needed for ; We have been thinking for people who think, working for people who work, planning and implementing for people who plan for themselves. It’s time to blame community, hold them accountable, responsible and take ownership of their action.


Project Summary

The 8 month project with a total budget of ……………….USD, will be effective from the signing of project agreement………… 2021to 31stNovember 2021, seeks to empowering those who have been most affected by conflict and violence to themselves be the owners of solving, healing and recovering from those conflicts – and being in charge of building their own future beyond war and division and to  build up within communities the skills, capabilities and structures / institutions – like peace committees, healing circles, peace centres and more – that can help transform how that community deals with conflicts, not only helping to heal and recover from the war, genocide and displacement but helping to make sure that conflicts can be addressed effectively and don’t escalate and become violent in the future among rural households and Returnees in Jur River county, Western Bahr el Project target border areas  which  will include Kangi, Kuajiena, Mapel, Alelthony, RochRoch Dong and Marial Baai Payam of Jur River county where prevail of  insecurity and conflict.



Project Methodology Approaches

The methodology approach to Community Based peace Forum and reconciliation, is bottom upward approach, the project will form Community based Peace Forum and reconciliation Initiative in five fragile areas of Jur River or border areas to Warrap State, among are Alelthony, RochRoch dong, Kuajiena, MarialBaai and Mapel respectively, there will be 2 Peace Forum Initiative in each of these locations 1 forum will be compose of youths only while other is for community.

The Composition of both peace forum will be 25 members er Peace Forum. The target members for Community Based  Peace forum  Initiative are Local chief, elders, local authorities, Religious Leaders, women Leaders meanwhile youth peace forum members are youth leaders, seniors youth and both boys and girls. There will be two facilitators from the implementing partner who will be facilitating Community Based Peace Forum and reconciliation, one facilitators meeting, one facilitator will be taking minutes or resolutions of the meetings, meanwhile other one will be facilitating the meeting, and the peace forum will have their own secretary who will work closely with facilitators.

Basing Peacebuilding in CommunitiesThemselves. Basing peacebuilding in communities means empowering those who have been most affected by conflict and violence to themselves be the owners of solving, healing and recovering from those conflicts – and being in charge of building their own future beyond war and division. It also means building up within communities the skills, capabilities and structures / institutions – like peace committees, healing circles, peace centres and more – that can help transform how that community deals with conflicts, not only helping to heal and recover from the war, genocide and displacement but helping to make sure that conflicts can be addressed effectively and don’t escalate and become violent in the future. Empowering local peacebuilders and peace structures in communities can transform how conflicts are dealt with, and build standing, permanent capacity to address conflicts effectively, prevent future violence, and support the long-term processes of healing and reconciliation

Local peacebuilders will often:

  • Have a better understanding of the issues and needs in the community
  • Be based in the community itself – not coming and going but part of the community
  • Speak the language and better understand the local dynamics, context and culture
  • Be more trusted by all of the community or certain parts of it
  • Be better able to ‘read’ between the lines and understand early signs and indicators of conflicts and problems that outsiders may not be aware of
  • Be survivors themselves

Peacebuilding: Addressing Root Causes & Impact and Building Capacity for Peace Peacebuilding was once defined as the promotion of institutional and socioeconomic measures including physical recovery to assist countries in recovering after war. It has generally been seen as being driven by external support / assistance and intervention into is about addressing the actual root causes and drivers of conflict and war as well as the impacts of the war on society; laying foundations for real, lasting peace; and building the capacity of the society and government to handle conflicts constructively, effectively and through peaceful means. Why is this important: Because real peacebuilding has to be  plan by community themselves, owned by the people, implement by community themselves,  communities affected – including decisions on what and how to do it – and requires real capacity (infrastructure for peace) built up within the community; not just depending or relying on external agencies and engagement. Importantly: doing peacebuilding before situations escalate/worsen and reconciliation and healing after previous violence also helps to prevent future wars from happening.

Community needs Assessments and Peace & Conflict Analysis is very important to enhance sustainable peace and peaceful coexistence. The scan will helps implementing partner to identify the confect factors, the peace factors, the stakeholders and the synergies that are necessary for scenario building and that can lead to the identification of entry points for building peace and reconciliation within the community. Without a scan, peace building interventions tend to respond to current problems, which in many cases are symptomatic of deep-rooted problems that have been left unaddressed. Peace & Conflict Analysis can be used to help bring parties together and, through joint analysis, foster mutual understanding, overcome demonization/blame of the other, and empower action to address key conflict drivers / issues

Peace Building and  trauma healing, reconciliation and forgiveness meetings which will bring together women, youths, community leaders for justice, reconciliation and healing, to enhance sustainable peace coexistence. It’s very important people are reconcile to each other’s, healing and forgiveness each other without reconciliation and forgiveness it’s difficult to determine peace.

Approach to build health and strong family for peaceful community, in the target are families who have been left out. Fortunately family is a socially approved system of values, norms, culture of peace and roles that exists to accomplish specific societal goals and to build peaceful society. Family provide a sense of identity or belonging among its members; when this institution is destroy children struggle feel sense of identity and belonging.


A Spectrum Approaches to Peacebuilding, Trauma healing and reconciliation to enhance sustainable peaceful coexistence and social mobility among the communities of   Bahr el Ghazal Region.


The defining feature of CARD’s strategic approach will be to increase and expand all efforts to build resilience at the community level, as well as at higher levels of society and across priority areas, and to build capacities and strengthen community based local institutions in peace Building and conflict transformation. Measures to address and transform conflict dynamics, root causes and drivers identify by local communities and address locally to improve relations among the community’s parties, the project will support local community Based Peace forum Initiative with technical, capacity  engage, involve in decision-making processes engaging community in problem solving mean ownership of peace building and taking responsibility upon engagement building  and resources to enable them bring sustainable peace in the target areas, trauma healing and reconciliation.

The following objectives have been formulated to achieve project goals


Result: 1. Enhance Community Based Peace Building and Reconciliation for sustainable peacefulcoexistence and social mobility.

Outcome 1. Localcommunity Peace forum capacity strengthened in peace building and reconciliation became conflict sensitive and actively toward transforming community into peaceful coexistence and harmony.


Act. 1. Formation of 12 Community Based Peace building and Reconciliation Committees one for Community another one for Youths. Sustainable peace and peaceful coexistence is realise only when the affected population are engage, involve, and participate in the matter affect them.  Most of the peace actors become the determinate factors on community’s issues, but in this approach we are only support community initiative, planning, ideas, and decisions, they discuss their issues and come up with  workable resolution, without external influence. The role of CARD and AYADA is to facilitate and mobilises resource to support the community peace initiative activities events.

Our experience shown that  community that are engaged, involved and participated in discussion in the matter that affect them they normal become more responsive, own the problem and take up responsibilities to address the matter in amicable.

The Community Based Peace Forum andReconciliation Initiative approach is more of engagement and involvement of community to participatein the forum. CARD and AYADA will be facilitating the community discussion and guiding them in selecting relevantconflict topic for discussion and the member deliberate on the topic exhaustively and pass resolutions and implemented those resolutions by ; One criteria is that Topic should be close the heart of the communities, it should becontextualized roles of the community to end force marriage and early marriage in Kangi Payam., The community will discuss this and come up with workable solutions gear to end force marriage and early marriage; Discuss the effect of high Dowry price and how to reduce it; The importance of educated Girl in the community; Discuss Women Leadership and peace Initiatives;Can men be raped? The roles of community based strategies to mitigate conflict among the cattle seasonal movement and farmers. How can we make our community to be free from violent conflict; the important of our diversities, the roles of local community to end alcoholic in the local community; Effective way to deal and manage the rumours and other information relating to peace and conflict and CARD will form and train Community Based Peace Forum and Reconciliation while AYADA do the same thing with the youths peace committees.


Documentation of the community conversation and resolutions, Community Based peace Forum and reconciliation is not like peace workshop and peace conference where facilitator lecture to participants and expected people to have learnt. Our approach is quite different, the facilitator ask the community to come up with the burning issues related to peace and conflict and discuss exhaustively and the community provide action plans, recommendations  and pass resolution how the problem should be deal with at the community level with local knowledge. The facilitator document all the discussions for reference. Since the discussion touch on sensitive issues, the resolutions are shared with community members for endorsement and sensitize other members of community


Act. 3 Sharing Community Based Peace Forum Initiative Resolutions with areas MPs and policy makers. The project will organise 3 days follow meeting with Areas MPs, RochRoch Dong, Kangi, Udici, Mapel and Kuajiena and  county commissioner and Payam administrators who are decision and policy makers to share with them the community peace forum discussion resolutions and  deliberate on  those resolutions that have been discussed and agreed  upon at the community Based Peace Forum Initiative. Just an example suppose  community A in their  community Based Peace forum Initiative discussion agreed that the dowry payment  will be reduce to certain number. This will become community policy which will governing their behaviours and actions.

While Community B in their community Based Peace forum Initiative they had agreed that no men shall be allow to marriage underage girls in this village  any men  who will not adhere to this shall bear the consequence for violation of community policies. This will become community policy which will governing their behaviours and actions; these kind of discussion are the ones which  will share with areas MPs and commissioners, payam administrators, areas police, paramount chief. All partner will join together to bring MPs together on round table.


Community Peace monitoring. The community Based Peace forum initiative are the Local peace monitoring to oversee the implementation of their community Based Peace Forum Initiative and continue to encourage individuals to maintain their commitment to peaceful cohabitation. Let the community assess their level of achievements and challenges only then will they learn and improve on their actions and behaviours.

They have to ensure that community members adherent to the agreements/obligations and monitor those who want to violate and breaches the peace agreement and stolen animals, lost animals, tracking criminal. Proactively work to meet the needs of all sectors and members of the community and follow up the social contracts of peaceful cohabitation and social mobility signed between the communities this is the highest committee that will deal with peace spoilers and criminal in follow up meeting the community Based Peace are expected to give update on monthly to supporting partner


The community Based Peace Forum and Reconciliation committees will Organised 12 Peace forum meeting,2 meetings per locations while Agency will Support community with resources and technical know-how only.  Quite often it has been that the external people are the one to plan for the community peace meeting, organise community peace meetings and finance community meetings and expected community to own it, those days are gone CARD and AYADA learnt that this approach, it kills the local creativity and innovative it also downside power of local leadership as well make community not to own the process, though it make community to blame everything on external community and refuse to accept responsibilities or problem that they have make .

The new approach in this project, this time to plan for their peace meeting, organise peace forum meetings, CARD and AYADA will encourage community plan, conduct their peace conference, the implementing agencies will only support them in resource mobilisation  such as refreshments, transport refunds, food and accommodations to enable them meeting carrying out their activities that they have planned, we want to change this narrative of doing everything to community, this time we allow  community to be  the initiators, implementer, planner, responsible society, accountable community. In this way the agency will hold  community accountable, responsible, they own the process and decisions, it enhance their leadership and respect in the community and they will become serious peace target group will be divide equally between two partners


Act. 6. Formation and training Women’s Peace Forum.  Women have been amongst the worst affected by the conflict but they are often not as included or supported to take leadership and ownership or to participate in peacebuilding and reconciliation processes. A Women’s Peace working group is new approach for CARD, and supporting women’s empowerment and participation directly at the community level is very essential in attaining sustainable peace. Hence the project will have women peace working group. The idea is that Gender & Peacebuilding is powerful instrument. Gives focus to the gender dimensions of conflict, gender roles, and empowering stakeholders in society to address the gender dimensions, drivers and impacts of conflict. The project will include specific focus on empowering, strengthening and supporting the role of women in peace building. Should also address the role of men as primary perpetrators and largest category of casualties of war and violence


Formation and training Youth Based Peace forum.  When conflict arise its youths who suffer and bear the consequences of causalities. Unfortunately when it comes to peace forum youth are little engage, involve and little participation in community affairs. Though they are the victims, if you win the hearts of youths not to fight peace will come. There is need to engage youth in peacebuilding, social cohesion and coexistence. Imagine if youth across Western Bahr el Ghazal state   were supported with important of peace coexistence, share with them the vision, the better and bright future. What If they come together and build their network  and  strengthen their empowerment and support for each other and to encourage, mobilise and engage more youth to be involved and come together, learn about peacebuilding and peace work, and become involved and empowered to engage in peacebuilding in their own communities and more broadly. The idea to bring them in, build them up and send them for build their peace network in the state or county or payam, the project will form 6 Youth Peace Forum in 6 project locations which 1 forum composite of 30 members and equipment with necessary peacebuilding skills.


Act. 8. Peace Media / Peace Journalism through Radio 8 talk shows reporting peace events activities. The project will work with working with existing media and/or establishing new media to improve coverage and reporting on conflict, overcome demonizing and sensationalist violence escalating reporting, and make visible what is being done and what can be done to address conflicts constructively. The project recognised the media outlets to disseminated peace event or correct rumours 1 radio talk show per month.  In the past its leaders who talk on media, this time the project is permit community Based Peace forum to talk on media how they are implementing peace program from their own perspective in their localities let it be known it community who are doing it not agency, agencies are just supporter community initiative not implementer.

CARD and AYADA will just support community Based Peace forum and reconciliation members to air out peace event activities in their local language what they had done in their territories by themselves with financial support from Agency.

We want to uplift their efforts and restore their dignities that have been robbed by agencies, CARD and AYADA will just pay for their talk shown so that they can create public awareness on the ; Media can play an important role in advocacy and communications on peace activities. However, managing rumours, escalating misinformation to the wider community. The media can support efforts to raise awareness on a particular issue, ensure that women’s voices and protection concerns are heard, inform the community and the public about how to access GBV response services and promote positive gender and social norms.

Empowered teachers and PTAs on Peace building and conflict mitigation. Training season will be conduct in 6 project locations Alelthony, Mapel, Kangi, Kuajiena, MarialBaaiand RochRoch Dong and, 50 persons per training. There is need to raining teachers, parents and pupils on peace building since they are also affected by ongoing conflict in some incident teachers are frequently exposed to intimidation, torture and persecution. They are killed in conflicts and often flee their communities because of fear of reprisals against them or their families. Documented attacks on teachers include “killings, disappearances, abductions, forced exile, imprisonment, torture, maiming, rape and sexual violence and the recruitment of child soldiers – all taking place in schools – as well as the destruction of educational buildings and materials.

Unfortunately little has been done on peace education, though education play big role in human development. The aim to training teachers from various schools in the affected areas will be train 50 persons per locations for 3days, in Peace building and conflict management and GBV code of Conduct.

Training Local Community Peace committees on detection, prevention and early warning. The project will conduct 6 season training 50 person per training for Community Based Peace Forum and Reconciliation on early warning with aim to equip the members with knowledge and ability to be able to detect early warning, prevent Violence from occurring & ability to address root causes or drivers of conflict in order to prevent violence. Includes conflict analysis and monitoring to understand conflict and identify situations before they escalate to violence – enabling early intervention to prevent violence from happening. Warning Embed within community’s on-going identification and mapping of conflicts and risks to provide early warning before violence might break out, and to enable local authorities, community peace workers, Local Peace Committees and Peace Teams to take early action to prevent violence. CARD and AYADA will divide locations aim to help participants to measures to address root causes or drivers of conflict in order to prevent violence. Includes conflict analysis and monitoring to understand conflict and identify situations before they escalate to violence – enabling early intervention to prevent violence from happening.


Act. 11. Training local churches on peace building, trauma healing and Reconciliation, forgiveness. Local churches are the invisible peace actors and close to community. Church leaders are powerful influential leaders in the communities when it come to believe and cultural transformation. Equipping religious leaders in peacebuilding and trauma healing, reconciliation is their core value. Given their connection church will play tremendous roles combating GBV in the communityand restoring peace and harmony. There is need to strengthen church with necessary skills and knowledge, tools in peace building and conflict mitigation to win the war of against the culture of violence in the  communities.

The church, and CSOs, CBOs are the very few remaining institutions that the community still have trust and confidence in them, and still stand chance to bring sustainable peace and  harmony as well as  to reduce the tensions between communities in non-violent ways. Church by virtue is to centre for hopes and reconciliation and forgiveness, love, and resolving conflict from the biblical perspective.


Act. 12. Signing of the social contract of peaceful cohabitation. Those days are gone when leaders sign on behave of communities, in this approach its community members to sign on their own behalf and leaders witness their social contracts and monitoring. This issue of blaming community leaders and politician can only be do away when community take up their roles and responsibilities in matter that affect them

Resolutions and that are discussed by the community members and signed by the affected population are more respective compare to the one that are prepared by the community leaders or outsiders and sign on community behalf. Our approach is  bottom upward approach compare to traditional where community leadership talk and sign on behalf of communities, this time it is the community who sign on their own behave,  let the community sign while community leaders witness, we want leaders to blame community this time not community to blame leaders as this has been the cases ever since.

In this approach community leaders monitoring the resolutions in case of any breach the agreement, the community leaders call in the community members and give explanation as to why such thing has happen.

 This approach it aim to allow the community members who participant in discussion in peace forum to be part of policy implementation of what themselves had discuss and agreed on form a crucial element of strategies to restore security. Identify and sign on their own behave in order to formally commit to peaceful coexistence, and social mobility among the communities the warring parties to negotiate and sign Peaceful Coexistence and Social Mobility agreement between the conflict parties.

 These may be traditional, cattle keeper’s leaders, farmers leaders, and religious leaders. Each party officially and formally commits to no longer harming the other communities. It commits to take into account the needs and concerns of the other communities, and agrees to do what it can to ensure that harm is avoided and peace is promoted. Each community develops strategies for the means of implementation of these commitments, which are agreed upon jointly. The role of CARD and AYADA will be facilitating the process and supporting them with resources need to conduct the meeting, technical advices, transport refund






Provide psychosocial and psychological support to the conflict affected population and survivorsto promote their psychological well.


Expected Outcome 2: Affected population and Survivors have access to Psychosocial and psychological support counselling services appropriate and relevant to their immediate needs.


Conduct 6 Family Psychological and Psychosocial Support Counsellingworkshop 1 per location in 6 project locations (Family enrichment and celebrations)that is MarialBaai, Mapel, Kuajiena,RochRoch Dong, Kangi and Alelthony Payam Respectively; 50 persons per locations. There has been little attention done in family psychological and psychosocial support counselling by actors a lot of emphasize and resources has been put on community based support but family is the basic foundation of any strong and peaceful community. The health and stability of the family is the peace and harmony of the ; Example you cannot talk about domestic violent without mentioning the family, talk of Gender Based Violent, destroy family and you have destroy the whole community build health and strong family and you have built peaceful community every rise and fall on  the Families seeks to ensure that families, especially the most vulnerable ones, enjoy positive and loving relationships and are able to have hope and vision for the future. The programme equips parents and caregivers, spouses, church and faith leaders, faith-based organisations, communities, and CARD staff with knowledge and skills to create a safe and nurturing environment for children’s spiritual nurture in the family context. The programme aims to support families as places that allow children to experience the love of God by addressing the beliefs, convictions and cultures that contribute to harmful attitudes, norms, values and practices in raising children

CARD approach to build health and strong family for peaceful community, in the target areasfamilies aresocially ; Fortunately family is a socially approved system of values, norms, culture of peace and roles that exists to accomplish specific societal goals and to build peaceful society. Family provide a sense of identity or belonging among its members; when this institution is destroy children struggle feel sense of identity and ;

It’s in the family wherea set of organized beliefs, rules, and practices that establishes how a society will attempt to meet basic needsbut if this institution has social breakdown then entire community social structure is collapse, the fact that there are many children on the streets are indicator that family is edge of collapsing, conflict in the community is an indicator that there is socially breakdown in the family that need urgent action to be fix.

Our new approach in addressing family social breakdown is to organise family psychological and psychosocial support counselling and workshop, the programme will bring spouses together husband and wives only married couples are expected to attend 5 days’ workshop various topics will be conduct related to family and counseling services.


Act. 2. Conduct 6Community-Based peace forum and Reconciliationand Trauma healing. The project objective is todevelop community-based Peace Forum and trauma healing and reconciliation directly at the community level. These could include listening circles, survivor’s circles, trauma recovery processes, and community healing and reconciliation processes. Both for individuals and communities / the broader society for recovery and healing from traumatic experiences. Will include both one-on-one processes (counselling); self-practice (meditation, breathing); and community recovery processes such as survivor groups and healing ; 

The idea of bring the community Based Peace forum and  reconciliation, and healing and trauma healing is to support community who had beennegatively affected  socially, psychologically, emotionally, physically and economically, which  had brought about traumatic experiences, catastrophic episodes, sanguinary holocaust and great destruction of resources by the warring factions. Due to these characteristics in the affected location and population, the people are all victims of armed conflicts in the forms of political intervention, inter-tribal clashes or inter-clan disputes. Hence they are distressed and traumatised by the indecent and horrifying experiences; exposing them to fragmentation of their kinship ties, inter-community relation or inter- clan unity.

The project  objectives is to hear individual testimonies of victims of the conflict in the hope that the testimonies will trigger a sense of remorse among the perpetrators, or at the very least, encourage a willingness on their part to engage their victims in a search for understanding and closure

To restore confidence and work towards building people to people and restoring hopes, bringing reconciliation, promoting peace building at grassroots level between the communities from two states with the aims of eventually building trust and peaceful co-existence between the communities.

It’s from this background the project intended to organised 8Community-Based Reconciliation, Healing and Trauma Recovery workshop in 8 locations,Mapel, Kangi, Alelthony, RochRoch Dong, Kuajiena and MarialBaai  50 persons per Peace, reconciliation and forgiveness meetingswhich will bring together women, youths, community leaders for justice, reconciliation and healing, to enhance sustainable peace coexistence. It’s very important people are reconcile to each other’s, healing and forgiveness each other without reconciliation and forgiveness it’s difficult to determine peace.


One on one trauma healing, psychological and psychosocial counseling.Women and men have unique stories that may not be share in the public counselling setting, some issues are sensitive that require attentive listening and one on one attention. The objective is to listen to the survivor’s story and develop action plan and address her psychological, psychological needs accordingly. Based on the context where project is being implemented the project will employee Mobile Counsellor Psychology who will travel from one place to another place providing counseling services to the affected population in the target areas of Jur River county.


Psychosocial Support and Recreational Activities. The project will provide psychological support recreational activities to 6 women and girls group 1 per locations that promote wellbeing of the target groups to release them from psychosocial and psychological impact. Psychological support aims to help individuals recover after a crisis has disrupted their lives, and to enhance their ability to bounce back and return to normality after experiencing adverse events. Illustrative PSS activities like trauma healing and psychosocial counselling Services to individual and group counselling, traditional artefacts Arts-based activities ( music, dancing, theatre, drawing and other formal support groups or recreational: Age-appropriate support group sessions around a ‘center-piece

All activities, be they formal support groups or recreational, will be customized according to the specific needs of women, men and girls, boys. Activities can include the following: Age-appropriate support group sessions around a ‘center-piece,’ which can include, sewing hand cloths activities, Recreational activities led by women and girls in the community, with resources procured by the organization. Sewing, make-up, drawing, hair dressing, tailor training, computer literacy, language, crochet, painting, , theatre performances are some of the  long time activities implement partner planned to undertake in the following quarter to come. Life skills training, both formal and training should be customized and age appropriate.


Act. ; Improve food nutrition and livelihoods of the affected population (50 women). The project aim to support women with vegetable seeds and tools as part of recovery process. The idea is to reinforce self-reliance and job creation for the vulnerable women. The project aim is empowered women to become self-reliance and take care of their own development rather than depending on hand-out all the times, the target women to be supported with vegetable production eggplant, onion, cabbages, tomatoes, cucumber, and tools s water cans, rakes, hoe and maloda.


Training on saving scheme and basic business & marketing skills: The project will training the target groups on saving schemes mechanisms to inculcate the culture of saving and investments for the vegetable production, and small ; The project will provide relevance technical skills which include saving skilling, profit making, basic calculation of profits, basic record keeping, collective bargaining, saving scheme and business management and community organisation skills to enable the groups to create some form of dependency from the professionals.


Training women and girls with Skills in sewing clothes for self-reliance. The project aim is to support 200 women with hand sewing clothes income activities per a year. Appropriate to age group for income generating activities will be identify and training on hand sewing clothes skills. Clothe is one of the basic needs of human being people one becoming fashion conscious. With change in fashion & style, the stitching of garment also changes





The methodology used by the applicant and its partners can be summarized in the following points


Working through existing structures

The consortium will work through the existing structures of local government, which include the RRC, State, County, Payam and Boma levels. The Peace Actors operating in the areas are a crucial counterpart in addressing Peace building and conflict transformation. At the local level this means that project facilitators of the line ministries will work in close collaboration in expanding the livelihood basis of the local population.


Synergy and complementarities between partners will create an added value for partners and local government and other stakeholders such as collaboration between peace actors. Responsiveness and downward accountability in governance in the context of a rights-based approach are core components in addition to (technical) skills building and organisational development.

 In locations where two partners are working on the same results areas, the implementation activities are normally divided into groups for each partner. The partners share expertise and added value based on their experiences. Partners like CARD have ample expertise that can supplement the experiences of ; Partners can also share limited resources like project vehicles; which are used to maximise benefits of implementation and make them cost ;


A harmonised approach with partners under a strategy of comprehensive and holistic programming. Synergy between partners will create added-value to outputs of the project since partners have ample experience with target groups and will be able to learn from each other to ensure high quality deliverables. Partnerships are mutually transparent, accountable and responsible. A systematic method of knowledge transfer and documentation of lessons learned and best practises, implying also regular exposure of partners’ staff and key actors to successful interventions (mutual learning).


An effective gender approach is not just incorporating women as a target group in the project and adds numbers of women to activities. Women are the main key peace builders and conflict transformation at the macro and micro level. The consortium derives its gender concept from a perspective of women as agents of change. Gender & Peacebuilding May include almost all approaches to peace building.

The consortium will Gives focus to the gender dimensions of conflict, gender roles, and empowering stakeholders in society to address the gender dimensions, drivers and impacts of conflict. Often also include specific focus on empowering, strengthening and supporting the role of women in peace building. Should also address the role of men as primary perpetrators and largest category of casualties of war and violence. It is deemed necessary that a strategy action plan aim to address their relative social positions and positively transform gender relations.

One of the guiding principles in capacity building of the local peace forum and stakeholders is training and coaching in gender profiling in program development. CARD will scale-up efforts, in all priority areas, to institutionalize the meaningful representation and participation of women and youth in decision making structures and processes at all levels of society. It will strengthen male and community engagement in addressing social norms that are discriminatory and put women and girls at risk while denying them opportunities and support gender sensitive and responsive constitutional, legislative and transitional justice reforms.


Improving Peace Practice A critical area of peace work is improving peace practice – helping each other learn what works and what doesn’t, improving coordination and seeing how to really achieve impact through programmes, activities and interventions. Involvement and ownership by communities and countries affected by conflict is essential.


Advocacy.Working to advocate for specific changes on conflict issues, societal norms, state policies, etc – can be directed both towards state institutions and to different stakeholders such as tribal and religious leaders, armed groups, international organizations, and our own communities


Awareness Raising Can be targeted towards a single actor, group or sector or to society more broadly. Working to raise awareness for example about the causes of conflict, costs and impact of conflict, what can be done, or working to overcome enemy images and demonization of the other and improve relations between conflict parties. Requires deep engagement sustained over time to have impact.



Project Sustainability and innovation

Dissemination plan and multiplier effects

- Establishment of local community groups and empowerment of such CBOs Community Based Peace Initiative and Youth Based Peace Forum Initiative will result to project sustainability and continue working in harmony to spreading benefits peaceful coexistence and social mobility to others. In addition to that these working groups and involved in the project implement will result into project ownership and accountability.

- The different peace working groups established and trained provide opportunities for the target group to bring up the issues- Spread of new messages/practices/skills through groups, this will ensure institution sustainability and improve accountability


Policy sustainability.

The presence and involvement of MPs, county structures will ensure that successful practical experience will feed into improved ; On the one hand, through consultative processes, community Based Peace forum, have avenues to raise concerns and influence decision and policy makers on the other hand.


The project foresees linkages working relationship among CBOs peace actors formed in different areas or communities but certainly also has a built-in longer-term perspective of improved policies with a focus on sustainability itself supported by trials.


CARD present in the target areas and peace being one of it thematic areas of her intervention will continue to creating awareness and support peace building programme in the target areas. While in GBV program WASH and GBV in target areas will continue implementing peace as cross cutting issue such as   water management committees will be train on the aspect of peace building and conflict management, this will ensure project sustainability and ownership of the project.



Social impact.

There will be positive results in fostering understanding and dialogue among conflict communities and the present of the CBOs peace actors such as community Based Peace Forum Initiative and Youth Based Peace forum, peace mediators will cement relationship among the communities.


There will be increment to peaceful cohabit and social mobility among the target groupOn the other hand, enhancement of gender parity in roles of being change agents (women access to knowledge in peace building and conflict negation skills management will position women in contributing to transformation of gender power relations and gradualengagement and ultimate acceptance of changes in Knowledge A Power; positively impacting on peace building and conflict mitigation in the community.


Improve access to rule of Law and respect for human right. The target group will improve access to the Rule of Law as well as the understanding between different communities and promoting human rights and the rule of law is a proven way to help reduce conflict in this contexts.


Strengthening local capacities in peace building and conflict ; There will be concrete positive achievements, especially in the areas of institution building, political, cultural and inter-ethic dialogue—with a focus on ethnic and cultural differences, gender, as well as the principle of ‘Do no Harm’. CARD’s and AYADA’S strategy improved communication and interaction with Local government official, community leaders, youths, ethnic groups, Local Churches,  indigenous and traditional leaders—increasing understanding and social cohesion, which are critical elements in peace building in communities that have suffered conflict and discrimination.


The project will apply the collective model whereby community Based peace forum Initiative are train on human right, peace building, conflict resolution, conflict mitigations, respect for social peace agreements, the target group  will become aware of other people rights result to understanding and appreciated their diversity unique cultures though lead to   peaceful coexistence and social mobility among the target groups.


The Community peace forum will work in harmony and will continue monitoring the situation of the areas and keep sharing challenges, success stories, with aim to find durable solution. They will continue rising their concerns in regard to peace building and call on peace actors to support their initiatives  


ANNEX of Community Based Peace Forum and Reconciliation Committee


Local Peace Committees A Local

Peace Committee will be  an inclusive committee, operating at sub-Payam level (a Boma, or village), created for the purpose of addressing and transforming conflicts, preventing violence and resolving disputes at the community level through dialogue, mediation and conflict resolution and transformation techniques.

The Peace Committees are specifically created to include representation from different ‘sectors’ / demographics of a community. These can include community leadership, trusted members of civil society, representation of different ethnic, cultural or religious groups / communities, and – specifically – inclusion of women and youth.

In some contexts Peace Committees will be created with just ‘single sectors’ / communities, such as only youth, only women, or only religious or other leadership. “Mixed” Committees may have the strength of being more inclusive and earning/holding the trust of different sectors of the community. Inclusion of trained mediators or training of members of Peace Committees in mediation, dialogue, peacebuilding and conflict handling techniques is seen as essential.


Local peace committee’ (LPC) is an umbrella title: in practice, a variety of names are used in addition to local peace committees, including: ‘Payam peace forum initiative’; ‘village peace and development committees’; ‘committees for intercommunity relations’; and so on.



There is no ‘single’ universal mandate for peace committees. A Peace Committees mandate has to respond to the actual / specific needs and context in which it has been created. It should be robust enough for the Peace Committee to:

  1. Actively promote peace, coexistence and respect in the community
  2. Identify conflicts and possible factors that create negative relations
  3. Engage the community to transform conflicts constructively
  4. Be an example of and promote a message of peace and coexistence
  5. Identify peace spoilers
  6. Restore a climate of confidence and be social watch committees (to manage the rumours and other information relating to peace) empower.
  7. This committee will help in eradicating violence rather develop framework and network for peaceful coexistence and social mobility.
  8. Monitoring peace development activities and engage, involve community in community peace activities
  9. Follow up the social contracts of peaceful cohabitation signed between the communities
  10. Take part in, to the administrative authorities and judicial had not participated, the commitments and conclusions from the dialog between two days of trade between farmers and ranchers.
  11.  Monitor the incidents of invasion of cows in the cultures
  12. Facilitate dialog between the parties in the case of difference.
  13.  Work with the agronomists to establish the estimate damaged areas in the case of conflict
  14.  Ensure respect of the contract between the parties.
  15. Ensure the monitoring of meetings during which: a. advice and information can be exchanged b. arrangements may be negotiated on the non-consensual solutions but rows in the possible solutions


Local Peace Committees will be

  1. Actively work to identify conflicts early and prevent them from becoming violent
  2. Proactively work to meet the needs of all sectors and members of the community 
  3. Understand the needs of the community and promote reconciliation and healing
  4. Empower a vision and practice of peace – being both a model and a catalyst
  5. Monitoring, advocacy and peace-building interventions of the inter-communal peace committees and replication of peace negotiations at micro-level
  6. Addressing the root causes and effects of conflict and promoting the spirit of collaboration and solidarity through the joint peace and recovery projects


The peace sought by local peace committees can include

  1. Ending the violence of the past preventing any occurrence or recurrence of violence acknowledging that local patterns of exclusion and discrimination need to be transformed, and
  2. with all participants committing to collaborate and take action in that transformation to deal with the most threatening and urgent problems facing the community Peace Committees should aim to be inclusive:
  3. Ensuring all genders, tribes, communities, ethnic and religious group are included is important.
  4. Individual tribes / groups may themselves want to create ‘Community Based Peace forum’ for their own community – to provide leadership for peace from within their community.


ANNEX 2: Examples of Social Contracts


Social contract between farmers and pastoralists in the commune ………., …………., ………. For several years there has been such an entrenched disagreement between farmers and pastoralists in the commune of …………, in the ……….., that in certain places the two parties do not even greet each other. Offences such as the slaughter of cows and the murder of shepherds have already been registered, highlighting difficult cohabitation between the two groups. After several exchanges with each other, the participants in the workshop have come to the conclusion that these attitudes derive from the following causes:


  1. The laxity of the cow herders;
  2. The plethora of herds;
  3. The shortage of pastures available for the grazing of cows; - the notorious impunity benefiting herders responsible for damage;
  4. The nuisance attached to the attitudes of contempt shown by herders;
  5. The vagrancy of uncontrolled cattle;
  6. A galloping demography;
  7. A rapid expansion of herds in the areas of grazing;
  8. The free entry of cows across national borders;
  9. A great concentration of herds from the communes nearby and neighbouring counties;
  10. Pathways obstructed for the passage of cows and transformed into fields.
  11. After having made a broad overview of these various problems, farmers and breeders have agreed as follows:


1. Commitments and claims of pastoralists


  1. Commitments We, breeders, commit ourselves to the following in relations with farmers:


  1. Prohibit firmly to our shepherds from letting the cows invade the fields and, if that ever happens, seek the forgiveness and discus with the farmers affected so that there is agreement with them for reparation of damages;
  2. Seek to rapidly ascertain the damage caused by cows, before the herd has left;
  3. To avoid hurtful words uttered against the farmer.



We, breeders, call on the farmers to do as follows:

  1. Not poison our cows, nor their inflict of injuries or beating;
  2.  Not intimidate herders with the objective of scaring them away so that the cows left to themselves can wander in the fields and devastate large areas;
  3. Not to imprison cows, in particular those who have to breast-feed calves;
  4. Not criminalise cows when the latter have not been taken in the fields;
  5. Do not come rushing to lead the cows to the Municipality before having warned the owner and have shown to the elders.


2. Commitments and claims of farmers


We, farmers, among farmers take the firm commitment below:

  1. Not to cause the death of cows, in any way whatsoever;
  2. Not to impose sanctions ourselves;
  3. Not to use hurtful words vis-à-vis the farmer.



We, farmers, ask of the pastoralists and their livestock as follows:

  1. Not to graze their cows in our fields, but rather to contribute to protect our produces;
  2. If the incident is happening, diligently try to minimise the damages
  3.  Give good instructions to the herders of their cows;
  4. Not to burn the fields;
  5. Not to unearth the cassava and steal any other produce from the fields for the purposes of feeding their cattle.
  6. To avoid to carry weapons of war such as the rifles, grenades and lances during the custody of cows;
  7. Not to be physically violent to farmers;
  8. Do not take pretext that the cows kept belong to the authorities


3. Recommendations


Directed at the administration:


  1. Avoid take party at the conflicts between farmers and pastoralists.
  2. To separate the areas of pasture from those reserved to the farms by well-defined perimeters.
  3. In the Commune of ……………, prohibit the entry of cows from other Communes and particularly of neighbouring counties.
  4.  Intervene only after failure of amicable arrangements between the parties in conflict or failure of mediation at the base.
  5. In the programming of projects of public interest, take into consideration the concerns of farmers and ranchers


Directed at the legal authorities:

  1. Do not request pots of wines, because they are in fact of corrupt practices;
  2. When the farmer is the complainant and injured, do not compel him/her to endless back-and-forth with the obvious intention to oblige him/her to be denied and losing the trial for having failed to continue due to the discouragement of the delaying tactic.


Directed at the(PSC)

  1. To separate the spaces reserved to agriculture of those devoted to cultures.
  2. To establish the estimate of litigation, without bias.
  3. Leave it to the agronomist the competence of assessing the damage before the disappearance of traces.
  4. Accompany the farmers and ranchers by the contribution of appropriate techniques that can help to improve yields of their farms.


Directed at the NGOS and other stakeholders / donors


  1. Support the efforts for strengthening and the dissemination of commitments of parties throughout neighbourhood, and on all the hills of the Commune.
  2. To help farmers in the granting of equipment watering and support the work of maintaining and maintenance of irrigation channels.
  3. To assist in the production of reports of the workshop.


Directed at the Monitoring committee A monitoring committee shall be set up to ensure respect of the commitments of parties and execute the following mandate defined.



ANNEX 3: Examples of Social Contracts


This contract, although signed by the members of monitoring committee, was adopted by …………………….men and women representing farmers and ranchers. They came from all the hills of the Commune ….. These meetings have been supported by the presence of representatives of the Administration,…………. and were held in ……………. of ……………………..


Terms of Reference for Peace Committees in the Payam on Peace building and Conflict Management (PSC)



To achieve sustainable peace and social mobility inJur River County.




To establish co-ordination, collaboration and networking between the Governments, civil society and development partners, with a view to harmonizing, strengthening and institutionalizing effective national peace building and conflict management strategies and structures, including enhancing regional linkages.



Social contract between…………….and …………… communities living along the border of …………. and ……………..,




The ………and …………… border has been characterized by sporadic skirmishes between our two communities, …………..and ……………… due to cattle rustling incidents perpetrated by a cartel of criminals. Though frequent, these incidents were well managed by both communities helped by the Anti Stock Theft Unit stationed in different locations. However during the conflict violence, the insecurity problem along the border got worse.


We, the communities, rose against each and committed atrocities such as: burning houses, carrying out killings, looting, raping girls and women, and tribal hatred has since deepened. Through peace meetings facilitated by the ………………. we have had an opportunity to dialogue and reflect on issues affecting our two communities.


We have singled out the following as the main contributing factors to conflict between our two communities:


Main Contributing Factors

  1. Rampant cattle rustling
  2. Tribalism
  1. Negative politics/propaganda/misinformation



Historical land issues

 Poverty/Unemployment/idleness/drug abuse/alcohol consumption Resolutions We the …………and ……………… communities living along the ……………… and ……………Region, State border having suffered negative effects of conflicts between us; we hereby commit to peaceful settlement of disputes without resorting to violence and have furthermore agreed on the following practical solutions to our problems that shall contribute to and ensure our peaceful coexistence.


We have therefore resolved to:


Rampant cattle rustling As far as cattle rustling are concerned, we shall


1) Cooperate and collaborate in tracking and recovering stolen animals through joint patrol committee and community policing.

2) Liaise with the PSC and the Payam administration in case of suspected cattle theft instead of taking the law in our own hands.

3) Report any suspected cattle theft to the PSC through the

Assistant Chief or Chief.

4) Ensure security and protection to those who report suspect cattle robbers.


Tribalism As far as Tribalism is concerned we shall:

1) Exercise tolerance towards each other.

2) Encourage free interactions between our two communities through different social and economic activities

3) Instill in our children patriotic values and respect of people from other tribes


Negative Politics As far as Negative politics is concerned, we shall:


  1. Invite NGOS/NNGOs and other facilitators to conduct civic education in our communities.
  2. Mobilize our community members to engage the youth in social activities such as sports (football), games and eventually economic activities.
  3. Desist from divisive politics and propaganda.
  4. Verify authenticity and seek confirmation of information received from relevant bodies before acting on it.
  5.  Learn and exercise anger management skills.


Historical land issues


We recognize that the above issues are complex, constitute a national problem and the core matter of the Agenda (long term issues and solutions) of the National Dialogue and Reconciliation on the resolution of the political crisis and its root causes.


1) We shall therefore respect existing boundaries and persons’ property within those boundaries.


2) We also recognize the sensitivity of land issues linked to inheritance at the family level. We call upon elders together with their sons and daughters to seek for suitable solutions through dialogue. Poverty /unemployment/idleness


We recognize that significant number of our youth have no income, no job and no farming land. They are easily drawn into self-destructive behaviours such as alcohol and drug consumption, criminal activities such as cattle rustling, robbery, rape, etc.


1) We shall establish youth associations that shall liaise with the Ministry of Youth affairs and engage in constructive initiatives such as income generating activities along our border.


We believe that access to economic opportunities shall help our youth disengage from unhealthy involvements.



To oversee the implementation of our social contract, a Social Watch Committee of 6 representatives from each area has been established: 2 men, 2 women and 2 young people.


The committee shall carry out the following tasks:


  1. Hold monthly meeting to assess the situation
  2. Liaise with county/payam administration on matters threatening community peace
  3. Monitor the implementation of the signed social contract
  1. Disseminate the signed social contract among neighboring communities
  2. Participate in community conflict resolution
  3. Chair community peace building and consolidation sessions

 Submit quarterly reports to CARD On behalf of the people from ……………………., two community leaders shall sign the social contract witnessed by representatives from the social watch committee.



Signed on ……………..,


ANNEX 4: Example term of reference


 Terms of Reference


  1. To facilitate networking among actors at all levels;
  2. To enhance co-ordination between the Government, donors and implementing agencies in peace building, conflict management and illicit small arms initiatives;
  3. To promote the harmonization of approaches to peace building, conflict management and illicit small arms and light weapons in the Country;
  4. To act as a point of reference for information on peace building, conflict management and illicit small arms activities and organizations;
  5. To identify and mobilize resources for peace building, conflict management and illicit small arms and light weapons initiatives;
  6. To promote and advocate for peace in the country through community based initiatives, including community policing;
  7. To facilitate establishment of conflict early warning mechanisms;
  8. To facilitate dialogue with the stakeholders to establish a comprehensive national policy framework on peace, conflict management and nation building
  9. To establish sub-committees with specific thematic areas. (So far, there are three Sub Committees namely, Technical, Media and Conflict Analysis).


Expected Outputs:

  1. Monitoring and reviewing peace building activities at all levels.
  2.  Identification of potential areas of conflict.
  3.  Stakeholders’ mapping.
  4. Support activities focused on conflict resolution and prevention.
  5. Promote country and Payam consultative meetings.
  6. Develop a county Structure on Peacebuilding.
  7. Build the capacity of all actors through guidance, advice and training.
  8. Lead in resource mobilization for peace.
  9. Advocate for the integration of peacebuilding and conflict management into development programmes.

 Fisheries and Food
 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Culture and Development
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 Business Development

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