CITIES2030 > Impetus for FOOD2030

4 years ago

Call fo partners on “Co-creating resilient and sustainable food systems towards FOOD2030”

CITIES2030 is a project triggered by Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Dernegi (IAAD), key proposal production manager on behalf of Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Veneto, Italy), and a a leading research and technology organisation located in Istanbul, Turkey.

41 pan-European partners commit to work towards the transformation of the way systems produce, transport, supply, recycle and reuse food in the 21st century.

CITIES2030 vision is to connect short food supply chains, gathering consumers, strategic and complement industry partners, the civil society, promising start-ups and enterprises, innovators and visionary thinkers, leading universities and research across the vast diversity of disciplines, including food science, social science and big data.

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