Alternative TiO2

5 years ago

HPD Consultancy

Consulting Agency


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Due to the potential regulation of EU for TiO2 usage, the paint industries under pressure to find alternative materials for TiO2. Since it is classified as carcinogen, the paint companies are looking for an alternative pigment usage instead of TiO2. But the previous researches show that there is no suitable material that can replace TiO2 with the same quality and efficiency.

The aim of this project to find and raise the ratio of alternatives for TiO2 specifically for the paint industry. Instead of the substitution, some other materials could be considered that will reduce TiO2 by adding other. Despite the advantages, the efficiency might be lost by this way. The data is collected about the usage ratio of other minerals or chemicals that are able to be combined with TiO2.

The appearance of any material or compound would impact to usage of TiO2 in paint industry and directly affect the human health and nature positively. This would bring a new approach to market.


We are looking for potential partners who can contribute to the preject.

 Raw Materials
 Environmental protection
 Horizon Europe
 Project Development

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