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6 European Projects Found

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ADRIAtic FOOd and TOURism: INnovatinG smes (ADRIA FOOTOURING)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Jul 30, 2015,

Food and tourism are key strategic sectors for ADRIA FOOTOURING regions. They are often put together when tackling territorial promotion issues; never, when the tackled topics are the development and fostering of innovative firms, as they are mostly considered as traditional sectors with a low innovation potential. But, technological, organizational, service innovations, supported by enabling tech ...
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Sustainable coast MOBility in the ADRIatic area (ADRIMOB)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

ADRIMOB involves the main ports of Adriatic cross-border area. Venice, Ravenna, Rimini, Cesenatico, Pesaro-Urbino, Pescara, Brindisi, Bari, Rovinj, Rab, Spalit, Durres, Bar, Igoumenitsa and the main ports of Slovenian area. The involved partners gathered their efforts with the purpose of defining a project generating concrete solutions to real problems: improvement and upgrade the accessibility in ...
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PITAGORA project was born in the effort of answering to the need of the Adriatic area, accelerating ICT penetration, raising awareness among Public Authorities and SMEs about the advantages of ICT services. Digitalisation is a process developed with big disparities in Adriatic regions, where some areas already have defined some good practices and others need a strong transfer of know how, mainly i ...
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Background This project targeted the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) and was implemented over a wide area of the eastern side of the central Apennines. In the last decades the range of this species, which is present in several other European countries and is considered of community importance, has generally contracted. The species had be ...
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Adriatic action plan 2020 (Aap2020)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

How to reconcile development with sustainability and integrate sustainability policies into the political and management practices of public authorities is a major concern for regions and cities along the Adriatic coast. They are faced with conflicting trends: on the one hand, there is wide recognition of the importance of environmental action; and on the other hand, sustainability policies are of ...
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The Project ESPRIT – Experiential Supporting Programme for Innovation in Training - aims at promoting the transfer and integration of innovative experiential education and training methodologies, based particularly on outdoor education, in education and training systems in Italy and Lithuania.
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