Search for European Projects

31 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Our main objective is to identify determinants of brain, cognitive and mental health at different stages of life. By integration, harmonisation and enrichment of major European neuroimaging studies of age differences and changes, we will obtain an unparalleled database of fine-grained brain, cognitive and mental health measures of more than 6.000 individuals. Longitudinal brain imaging, genetic an ...
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European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The overarching goal of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is to generate knowledge to inform the safe management of chemicals and so protect human health. We will use human biomonitoring to understand human exposure to chemicals and resulting health impacts and will communicate with policy makers to ensure that our results are exploited in the design of new chemicals policies an ...
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Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health (LIFECYCLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Early life is an important window of opportunity to improve health across the full lifecycle. European pregnancy and child cohort studies together offer an unique opportunity to identify a wide range of early life stressors linked with individual biological, developmental and health trajectory variations, and to the onset and evolution of non-communicable diseases. LIFECYCLE will establish the Eur ...
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PROTECTED aims to develop expertise and protective capabilities against Endocrine Disruptors (EDs). EDs and their mixtures are a modern day health concern leading to failing ecological systems, poor agricultural production and health effects such as obesity, cancer and infertility. While analytical methods have advanced enormously, focus has been mainly on synthetic chemicals, overlooking emerging ...
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"Rationale: State of the art health registries, cornerstones of public health surveillance, have hardly capitalized on the information and communication technology revolution. Many continue to be static, fragmented, and passive data repositories disseminating outdated reports only to a closed loop of public health officials.Aim: In a radical departure from traditional science, this proposal introd ...
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Start date: May 15, 2015, End date: May 14, 2019,

Euromix aim to develop an experimentally verified, tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of multiple chemicals derived from multiple sources across different life stages. The project takes account of the gender dimension and balances the risk of chemicals present in foods against the benefits of those foods.Important concepts for this new strategy are prioritisation criteria for chem ...
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The EU population is increasingly exposed to new physical and chemical agents in the environment, some of which may be detrimental to public health. Of these, electromagnetic fields (EMF) are one of the most ubiquitous, with new EMF technologies and novel applications being actively developed and commercialised. To address pertinent questions on EMF and health, GERoNiMO proposes an integrated appr ...
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The I-MOVE+ Consortium includes European Union (EU) Public Health Institutes, SME and Universities. It aims at measuring and comparing the effectiveness (VE) and impact (VI) of influenza and Pneumococcal vaccines and vaccination strategies a in the elderly population in Europe. The goal is to develop a sustainable platform of primary care practices, hospitals and laboratory networks that share val ...
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Assessing individual exposure to environmental stressors and predicting health outcomes implies that both environmental exposures and epi/genetic variations are reliably measured simultaneously. HEALS (Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys) brings together in an innovative approach a comprehensive array of novel technologies, data analysis and modeling tools th ...
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Long-term effects of early nutrition on later health (EARLYNUTRITION)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Nutrition during early development has an important impact on later health, particularly through greater obesity risk, as demonstrated by FP6 EARNEST. EarlyNutrition explores the current key hypotheses on likely causes and pathways to prevention of early life origins of obesity (specifically adiposity) and associated disorders. We bring extraordinary expertise and study populations of 470,000 indi ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is widespread. Its global human and economic burden is tremendous and increasing annually. Yet today only a few pharmaceutical companies retain active antibacterial drug discovery programmes. While the elaboration of antibiotics with novel mechanisms of action is scientifically complex, the chief challenge is diminishing incentives. Pre-market regulatory requirements ...
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Universal Influenza Vaccines Secured (UNISEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

UNISEC brings together a European consortium of 3 University partners, 5 National Health Institutes and 3 SMEs, all with leading expertise in influenza vaccine research and development, to work on promising recently developed concepts for a universal influenza vaccine. The consortium is exceptionally strong, interdisciplinary and intersectional in nature, and encompasses a unique combination of sc ...
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The aim of HELIX is to exploit novel tools and methods (remote sensing/GIS-based spatial methods, omics-based approaches, biomarkers of exposure, exposure devices and models, statistical tools for combined exposures, novel study designs, and burden of disease methodologies), to characterise early-life exposure to a wide range of environmental hazards, and integrate and link these with data on majo ...
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Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area (OPERRA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2017,

"Within the OPERRA project, it is proposed that the MELODI Association, as a well-advanced network, takes the lead in establishing the necessary structures able to manage the long-term European research programmes in radiation protection, also taking advantage of the valuable experience gathered through the DoReMi network of excellence. Whilst in fields adjacent to low-dose risk research (radioeco ...
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BBMRI - Large Prospective Cohorts (BBMRI-LPC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

In recent years, biomedical research has crossed international borders in large, collaborative studies showing the value of multidisciplinarity and scale advantage. This has yielded valuable insights and some led to new and better medicines and treatments for diseases. However, disease-focused studies provide less insight in the real disease onset, the relative disease burden in the population, an ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"A-TEAM is a major co-ordinated supradisciplinary study. It seeks to develop understanding of a variety of aspects related to external and internal exposure to selected chemicals using a single, well-characterised human cohort (the “A-TEAM”). Its overriding hypothesis is that current approaches used to monitor human exposure to consumer chemicals can be substantially improved by filling gaps in sc ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The EUROFORGEN-NoE proposal aims to develop a network of excellence for the creation of a European Virtual Centre of Forensic Genetic Research. Forensic genetics is a highly innovative field of applied science with a strong impact on the security of citizens. However, the genetic methods to identify offenders as well as the creation of national DNA databases have caused concerns to the possible vi ...
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Pre-eclampsia, one of the most dangerous cardiometabolic complications of pregnancy, claims the lives of 50,000 mothers and almost one million babies annually. Pre-eclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy remain the second most common cause of maternal death. The incidence of pre-eclampsia in Central Asian countries is over twice as high as in western Europe. Inter-population differ ...
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Microcystin Exposure Associated Toxicity (MEAT)

Start date: Jun 22, 2012, End date: Jun 21, 2016,

"Microcystins (MC) are potent cyclic heptapeptide toxins that are produced by many cyanobacterial genera e.g. Planktothrix, Microcystis. Human exposure occurs primarily during bloom events, via drinking or contact with contaminated water, food or aerosols. While food exposure and corresponding health effects are rare, exposure to high MC concentrations via drinking water has resulted in morbidity ...
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Total Diet Study Exposure (TDSEXPOSURE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Total Diet Studies (TDS) allow getting information on real dietary exposure to food contaminants consumption (heavy metals, mycotoxins, POPs...) and estimating chronic exposure to pesticide residues in food and food additives intake. TDS consider total exposure from whole diets and are based on food contamination as consumed rather than contamination from raw commodities, thus ensuring a realistic ...
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This proposal aims to close gaps that have been identified in nuclear and radiological preparedness following the first evaluation of the Fukushima disaster. It addresses the call Fission-2010-3.3.1: Update of emergency management and rehabilitation strategies and expertise in Europe. The consortium intends to review existing operational procedures in dealing with long lasting releases, address th ...
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Various recent epidemiological studies have indicated that exposure to low doses of environmental biologically active contaminants during human development can alter gene expression and have deleterious effects on cognitive development in childhood. The DENAMIC project is ultimately focused on reducing such effects of environmental contamination on learning and developmental disorders in children. ...
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CAncer Risk and INsulin analoGues (CARING)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

"Several studies have linked the use of insulins to the risk of cancer, and it is certainly plausible that as a growth factor, exposure to administered insulin could stimulate neoplastic growth. However, the meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials comparing different insulin analogues were too small to quantify the risks, especially the proportion of patients that were followed for more than ...
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The objective of the project is to assess industrial impact on food safety and human health in highly populated Norwegian, Finnish, and Russian border region specified in the Kolarctic ENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme. Integration of contaminant results with monitoring of key human health endpoints can be implemented in future human risk assessments and food safety management. Assessment of results wi ...
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"The main research goal is to further understanding of how and to what extent flame retardant (FR) chemicals used in every-day consumer goods and construction materials enter humans and of the risk to health that such exposure presents. Our vision is that this enhanced understanding will inform assessment of risk associated both with recent and current-use flame retardant chemicals, and of those u ...
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"The European Commission and other funding agencies make a large investment in child health research. The health of our children is satisfactory, but there are serious concerns, for example, obesity, mental health, alcohol abuse, and sexuality. We know that there are strong links between the health of young people and their social inclusion and level of education. Our objective is to establish a s ...
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Developing a Child Cohort Research Strategy for Europe (CHICOS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"Mother-child cohorts are currently collecting a wealth of information on childhood diseases and their determinants across Europe, but these data are often of fragmented nature and there is little coordination to structure and consolidate scattered research. Although cohort research carries large potential policy implications, messages are not always filtering through to policy at the national, le ...
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European coordination action on human biomonitoring (COPHES)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

This proposal has been elaborated by a consortium of 35 partners coming from 27 European countries and including scientists, government institutions and authorities, NGOs and industry. The main goal is to develop a coherent approach to HBM in Europe as requested by ACTION 3 of the EU Environment and Health Action Plan through coordination of ongoing and planned HBM activities. The project will exp ...
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Start date: Jun 11, 2005, End date: Jan 10, 2008,

Along with the rest of Europe, the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) is facing enormous challenges when it comes to an ageing population, migration of young people from rural areas to the cities, unemployment, increase in alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness. An increasing part of lifestyle diseases and injuries from accidents will make great demands on the future treatment capacity of the health servi ...
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The project aims to develop new innovative on-line standards and Vocational Certificate for Trainers and officers working within the field of Social, Economic, Environmental and Physical Regeneration. The qualification will provide the beneficiaries with the knowledge to undertake their roles and provide them with the skills to develop volunteers and trainers from primarily voluntary, community an ...
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The Thematic Network "Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards" (2006-09) successfully published first cycle competences, influenced education policy change and increased web-based and innovative communication between higher education (HE) and the dietetic profession. But to effectively contribute to policies and practices averting the European health crisis (WHO, 2007) and poor nutri ...
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