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Geometry, Groups and Model Theory (GETEMO)

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2019,

Our proposed research lies at the interface of Geometry, Group Theory, Number Theory and Combinatorics. In recent years, striking results were obtained in those disciplines with the help of a surprise newcomer at the border between mathematics and logic: Model Theory. Bringing its unique point of view and its powerful formalism, Model Theory made a resounding entry into several different fields of ...
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Interactions between cells and mobile elements such as viruses and plasmids (the mobilome) have played a major role in life evolution. However, up to now, evolutionary studies have mainly focused on cellular genomes (building species trees). My project is to reconstruct the history of interaction between cells, plasmids and viruses (PVs) at the domain level to answer questions such as: to which ex ...
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This IRSES proposal has the objective to design innovative functional magnetic or fluorescent materials and probes based on metallacrown complexes.The project involves six research groups (4 EU and 2 from Other Third Countries) with complementary expertise and the common aim to develop new metallacrown complexes with novel magnetic, photophysical and structural properties be used as tools in bio- ...
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ACTPHAST is a unique "one-stop-shop" European access centre for photonics innovation solutions and technology support (Access CenTre for PHotonics innovAtion Solutions and Technology support). ACTPHAST will support and accelerate the innovation capacity of European SMEs by providing them with direct access to the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities of Europe's leading photonics research cent ...
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Photonic-Electronic convergence on Silicon (Si Photonics) is about to become the new information technology platform for our modern society, in which the appetite for computer power and communications seems unlimited. For many years, the high refractive index contrast optics (HiDex) between Si core and SiO2 cladding is the platform on which Si Photonics is developed. However, the current HiDex Si ...
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Photonic Libraries And Technology for Manufacturing (PLAT4M)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Description "PLAT4M will make silicon photonics ready for transition to industry"Silicon is now a mature integration platform that has brought CMOS microelectronics to mass-market application. The PLAT4M vision is that silicon photonics will lead to a similar revolution in the photonics sector.Over the past years silicon photonics has see ...
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Understanding star formation from large to small scales is a major unsolved problem of modern astrophysics, fundamental in its own right and having a profound bearing on both galaxies and planet formation.To achieve a breakthrough in our observational and theoretical knowledge of star formation, we propose to confront numerical simulations with observations obtained with state-of-the-art instrumen ...
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The objectives of this project are the development of A new and efficient asymmetric oxidative coupling reaction between phenols and indoles for the synthesis of benzofuroindolines analogs of diazonamide A and the biological evaluation of a library of this family of compounds.The benzofuroindoline core is a unique motif found in the natural products diazonamide A, a very potent anti-cancer agent (
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We propose to solve the long-standing problem of coupling quantum states in atoms to solid-state quantum devices. The realization of such a quantum interface represents a major breakthrough for information science, as it enables the development of a powerful hybrid architecture, where long-lived states of atoms store quantum information that can be processed rapidly using superconducting quantum c ...
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This proposal is devoted to the applications of a new hypoelliptic Dirac operator,whose analytic properties have been studied by Lebeau and myself. Its construction connects classical Hodge theory with the geodesic flow, and more generally any geometrically defined Hodge Laplacian with a dynamical system on the cotangent bundle. The proper description of this object can be given in analytic, index ...
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NIckel DYnamics in impacted ultramaFIC Soils (NIDYFICS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

"The concept of the NIDYFICS project is to connect researchers in environmental geosciences for high level discussions and exchanges and for transfer of knowledge between European and Brazilian institutions. A key point is the training of young researchers in a promising research field by working with and sharing knowledge with experts.Pyrometallurgical process of metallic ores generates large amo ...
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Embracing One Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures (NanoEmbrace)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

One dimensional nanostructures (1DNS) produced from various elemental (Si and Ge) and compound (III-V and II-VI) semiconductors are receiving increasing worldwide attention due to their unique properties and potential for a wide range of applications. They are the building blocks for single photon emitters, third generation solar cells and the monolithic integration of optoelectronic devices. 1DNS ...
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Observations of oscillations on the solar and stellar surfaces have emerged as a unique and extremely powerful tool to gain information on, and understanding of, the processes in the Sun and stars, and the origin of the variability in the solar and stellar output.Through helio- and asteroseismology detailed inferences of the internal structure and rotation of the Sun, and extensive information on ...
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We propose here an exhaustive analysis of the genome, exome, methylome and transcriptome of primary tumours and metastases from patients with colon carcinoma, based on a combination of deep sequencing and chip based techniques. Dependent on their availability, we shall also perform analyses of tumor stem cells, circulating tumor cells, free tumor DNA in serum and xenografts derived from the same p ...
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We propose a theory and a hardware implementation of probabilistic computation inspired by biochemical cell signaling. We will study probabilistic computation following three axes: algebra, biology, and hardware. In each case, we will develop a bottom-up hierarchical approach starting from the elementary components, and study how to combine them to build more complex systems. We propose Bayesian g ...
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Energy harvesting at low frequency has proven to be difficult to achieve in the past because of the properties of the materials that the devices are fabricated from. In particular the stiffness of conventional silicon and all piezoelectric materials makes it exceedingly difficult to make a system that can operate below 100Hz. There are many sources of low frequency vibrations e.g. human motion, th ...
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CARbon nanoTube phOtONic devices on silicon (CARTOON)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Primary goal of the proposed research action is the development of a novel strategy for hybridizing silicon based photonic devices, exploiting semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNT) as integrated light source, modulator and detector. Photonics in Information and Communication Technologies is more and more investigated for a broad application domain. These applications require efficient optoelectron ...
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High-precision laser micro-machining has delivered a important impact in daily life, hence its benefits and usefulness can easily be taken for granted. For example in the manufacture of smart phones, i-tablets, etc, high-precision laser micro-machining is essential to produce some of the key features we use in these devices. In the car industry it is has been shown that diesel nozzles produced wit ...
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Simulators and Interfaces with Quantum Systems (SIQS)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The overarching goal of our project is to develop systems based on direct and deterministic interactions between individual quantum entities, which by involving large-scale entanglement can outperform classical systems in a series of relevant applications.We plan to achieve that by improving technologies from atomic, molecular and optical physics as well as from solid-state physics, and by develop ...
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In low-dimensional systems the strength of electronic interactions is enhanced, which can give rise to fascinating phenomena such as charge fractionalization, spin-charge separation and fractional or non-Abelian statistics. Furthermore, the effects of disorder and external factors (such as the substrate, the leads, magnetic fields, or the coupling with a gate or an STM tip), are much stronger in l ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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Cyber-physical networks based on embedded systems are part of our society and gain spread and importance. Next generations of aircrafts and cars will be tightly interconnected with each other, with the Internet and other infrastructures. The same holds for many industries and areas of our life. Ubiquitous, highly critical systems go online and create a domain of mixed criticalities, where security ...
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The aim of the project FEMMES is to study the interplay between charge/spin tunneling and ferroelectricity in Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions (FTJs) composed of two electrodes separated by a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. It will address fundamental issues such as the influence of interfaces and small thicknesses on the ferroelectricity, the dependence of the charge and spin tunneling on the ferroel ...
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BRilliant Industrial Diode LasEr (BRIDLE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The BRIDLE project seeks to harness the power and efficiency of diode lasers to develop an affordable direct diode laser source for industrial applications requiring the cutting and welding of sheet metal. Specifically, BRIDLE's diode laser will have a power >2kW from a 100um diameter (NA 40%. (This is ~2.5x more powerful, 10x brighter and 1.7x more efficient than the best spectral beam combined d ...
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NANOMAT-EPC aims to support the deployment of societally beneficial nano- and materials technologies in European Partnership countries (EPC), in order to increase exploitation of their scientific results and contribute to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Consequently, NANOMAT-EPC aims to develop knowledge and technology transfer in nano- and materials technologies for healthcare, c ...
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Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications # (NEWCOM#)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

NEWCOM# is a Network of Excellence (NoE) proposal submitted in response to challenge FP7-ICT-2011-8 1.1, "Future Networks". A group of 14 partners in 14 different countries (12 of which come from the former FP7 NoE NEWCOM++) decided to capitalize on the high degree of integration in research they already at-tained to build an NoE with the following objectives: i) to produce medium to long term res ...
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The development of a new Iron-cobalt soft magnetic alloy is proposed with a smart combination of both high mechanical strength and moderated iron losses. The former allows higher speed of electric generator, increasing the mass power density. The later improves the thermal transfer of dissipated energies, the sustainability of the generator and help then to a further power density increase. In the ...
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"Star formation and galaxy evolution are dust-driven: cosmic nanoparticles are the key agents that drive and regulate the core physical and chemical processes. Understanding the nature of the particles that populate this ""cosmic nanoworld"" is crucial, it is a world that exists at the interface between the molecular and the macroscopic. Its constituents are small enough to exhibit characteristics ...
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Higher Teichmüller-Thurston theory is the study of a specific component of representations of a surface group of genus g in PSL(n,R). Teichmüller theory depends on a parameter: the genus g of the surface. Higher Teichmüller-Thurston introduces a new paramater n so that classical theory corresponds to n=2. Teichmüller theory is a crossroad between dynamics, complex analysis, spectral theory, geomet ...
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Functional semiconductor nanowire probes (FUNPROB)

Start date: Jul 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is an established technique for the characterisation of materials and structures at the nanoscale and is increasingly bridging traditional disciplines including the biosciences. As such, it is of fundamental and practical interest across the sciences and industry. The geometry of the tip is the critical factor which determines the resolution of an SPM sensor. In an ...
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Terpenoids are a group of natural compounds that are extraordinary diverse in chemistry, structure and function. Most of the natural terpenoids are flexible and biocompatible biopolymers, having physico-chemical characteristics able to adapt to a wide variety of biologically active compounds. Surprisingly, they have never been used previously in the nanotechnology field for drug delivery and targe ...
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A central goal in the modern era of evolutionary biology is to understand the genetic basis of adaptation. Microbes are ideal for such work because their genomes are small and maintaining large experimental populations is inexpensive. The difficulty in working with microbes has been identifying adaptive phenotypes beyond simple metabolic traits. The revolution in sequencing technologies make it po ...
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The number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) is increasing across Europe. Current research reveals that NEETs often lack self-confidence and the essential social skills needed to seek and secure employment. Youth inclusion associations across Europe provide social coaching programmes, in order to help young people acquire and improve their social competencies. Howeve ...
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The project proposed here aims at understanding the infection mechanism of bacteria by phages. I will focus my attention on a tailed phage: T5. A global molecular and cellular analysis will be carried out. Electron microscopy techniques including single particle analysis in vitro and electron tomography in situ will be used to analyze the first steps of phage infection.First of all, molecular mech ...
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Exchanges around Femtosecond Laser Applications in Glasses (e-FLAG)

Start date: Nov 8, 2010, End date: Nov 7, 2014,

The concept is to collect the best researchers on the topic of the interaction of femtosecond laser with glasses for discussion and exchanges. On the other hand, it is to train students and young researchers on one of the most promising new research field which is the 3D local shaping of linear and non linear optical properties in glasses; the knowledge of the expert being shared with the novices. ...
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Legendrian contact homology and generating families (ContactMath)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

A contact structure on an odd dimensional manifold in a maximally non integrable hyperplane field. It is the odd dimensional counterpart of a symplectic structure. Contact and symplectic topology is a recent and very active area that studies intrinsic questions about existence, (non) uniqueness and rigidity of contact and symplectic structures. It is intimately related to many other important disc ...
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"The aim of this project is to provide a comparison result between analytic and topological torsion in the presence of singularities. Comparison theorems between analytic and topological torsion on smooth manifolds have been an object of intensive study during the last 40 years in Mathematics. More recently, the study of analytic torsion on singular spaces has gained interest. It is therefore ...
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Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technology (FIRST)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Space-time phenomena giving rise to fronts and interfaces are central issues in many contexts of Science and Technology. A selection of some of the most challenging ones, most often of multi-disciplinary character, will be pursued by a team of 10 Full Partner Members (8 universities of different countries and two industries, Guigues Environnement (France) and Siemens (Germany)) with the help of 4 ...
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"Our main goal is to apply the powerful analytical tools that are now emerging from areas of more ""applicable"" parts of mathematics such as ergodic theory, random walks, harmonic analysis and additive combinatorics to some longstanding open problems in more theoretical parts of mathematics such as group theory and number theory. The recent work of Green and Tao about arithmetic progressions of p ...
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Evaluation and Viability of Liquid Fuel Fast Reactor System (EVOL)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

An innovative molten salt reactor concept, the MSFR (Molten Salt Fast Reactor) is developed by CNRS (France) since 2004. Based on the particularity of using a liquid fuel, this concept is derived from the American molten salt reactors (included the demonstrator MSRE) developed in the 1960s. The major drawbacks of these designs were (1) a short lifetime of the graphite blocks, (2) a reactor fuelled ...
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