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14 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Resorting to simulation in health has become common use in hospital and training centres. Currently, we observe compartmentalisation in its use in various fields (everyone works with their own objectives) and a lack of tools to assess the impact of the simulation in learning skills required for an optimal care of the patients. This project proposes to work on two original approaches. Firstly, it p ...
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CONTEXTEurope in 2016 is a place where there is a need to reaffirm fundamental rights which are called into question by states’ policy on migration and by the dichotomy between European traditions and new cultural models. There are today large portion of European societies willing to “discriminate” in order to “protect” themselves from the perceived risks brought by increasing migration flows. Ta ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The European Commission considers workers and citizens’ free mobility one of the most important right to be encouraged, because it represents an essential component of common labor market, in order to stimulate the economic growth and to fight against unemployment. Given the context of severe economic crisis that characterized Europe at this historical juncture, and the consequent difficulty of in ...
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E-Learning from Nature

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The project rationale is deeply rooted in the long lasting effort of European policies in addressing the underachievements in basic skills as far as scientific issues are concerned. The "Council conclusions on increasing the level of basic skills in the context of European cooperation on schools for the 21st century" stated that "A good level of reading literacy and numeracy, together with a solid ...
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Not Only Fair Play

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project has the following objectives:• Promotion of awareness of the importance of sport at school through a better integration of physical education into school curricula• Enhancement of sport as a mean to promote social inclusion of all students, particularly those at risk of exclusion and early school leaving• The promotion of an ethical approach to sport• The promotion of a comprehensive s ...
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Bullying is a word that is heard more and more often nowadays. School bullying has become an epidemic in our society and this fact has emerged a variety of studies across Europe aiming at investigating this rapidly spreading problem. To deal with bullying and to ensure a safe, learning environment the orchestrated contribution of all stakeholders of school education is necessary. School teachers a ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The School&Work project aims at the prevention of early school leaving (ESL) making reference to the results of previous projects already successfully carried out by most of this project partners. The project will build on the experiences and results of existing projects, introducing an element of innovation based on the creation of a synergy between schools and world of work. The aim will be ...
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Visual Impairment Social Inclusion ON

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Our way to be and to behave is deeply influenced by our visual perception, which determines our understanding of the situation and the space that surrounds us. Visually impaired (v.i.) people can easily become isolated from their community because they do not feel confident with themselves and this makes them feel inappropriate in every context. This reflects and affects their everyday life becaus ...
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School Safety Net

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

BACKGROUNDEarly school leaving is a problem affecting all European countries. Despite several initiatives carried out, today still about 14% of all pupils drop out of school each year. The School Safety Net project partners have identified four main issues having a relevant impact on early school leaving: - Necessity for early identification of students at risk - Difficulties in the integration o ...
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Chemistry Is All Around Network

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

CONTEXTThe project idea relies on the evidence of common needs in Europe related to the insufficient diffusion of scientific culture and awareness, that starting from the school level (primary and secondary education) affects all levels of educational systems.The Chemistry Is All Around Us project n° N° 167126-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-KA1-KA1ECETB aiming to develop common European strategies to promote Lif ...
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The project aims to make teachers being able to exploit the attractive potential that NewMedia have on young generation in order to raise their attention and motivate them torediscover the importance of literacy skills (reading and writing) and to approach theflow and diffusion of information that the New Media spread, with the necessary criticalskills in order to become aware users.The main targe ...
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Why and how should the First World War be dealt with in secondary education inEuropean countries?Our project, based on a partnership between universities, training institutes, Europeanteachers' associations and secondary schools, emerged from a series of observations.History teaching plays an important role in the system of representation of peoples;particularly the way in which men and women see ...
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In the face of the great challenge of sustainable energy production, it is essential foreveryone to mobilise in order to change consumer behaviour and invest in energyefficienttechnologies. Education has an essential role to play in meeting this challenge,because it can bring about far-reaching changes in the behaviour of the public at large,from an early age, and throughout life.Following on from ...
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There is a genuine problem in reading comprehension both in the EU and around theworld. A large section of the population (20% according to the French researcher AlainBentolila) is today “illiterate” to the extent they can decipher words and short sentencesbut are unable to understand the meaning of a short simple text on daily issues. And forlonger, more complex texts, with implicit meanings and ...
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