Eliza Panagiotidou, Urban Camel

 Low-Carbon Economy
 Innovation & Research

: Nov 12, 2020

About Me

Urban Camel is a niche strategic Research & Innovation agency for the low-carbon economy.

Unique Selling Proposition: water-energy-food nexus and blue growth sectors such as offshore renewable energies, port and shipping, aquaculture.

Interested in: joining project consortia working on research projects, making synergies for the acceleration of technology adoption from a socio-technical and commercial perspective, contributing to academia/industry collaboration for the promotion of sustainability skills in higher education


Activities include:

  • Close to market Research & Innovation activities for technologies near commercial stage.The research results enable your key business activities to comply with the respective criteria for climate change mitigation and do not significant harm to other environmental objectives.
  • Social sustainability and gender equality: socio-economic context analysis,  assessment of socio-technical resilience: how does the technology influence the society based on social factors? Improving the generation of positive social impact.
  • Strategic planning for the circular economy: assessment of the circularity performance of industrial products, determination of intervention points, co-design of circular strategic directions to improve value circulation leading to closed-loop supply chains and sustainable business ecosystems.
  • Sustainable business development: supporting the exploration and development to accelerate the adoption of technologies and the expansion of their application. Assessing the committment to Sustanable Development Goals to track and communicate progress.
  • Knowledge transfer and skills development: knowledge trnsfer on specific project results to equip stakeholder groups with sustainability-related skills leading to sustainable production and consumption patterns. Further to that, skills development can be introduced to tranings and sustainability literacy programmes in higher education and focused on industry-academia collaboration.

Eliza Panagiotidou is an Industrial Ecologist with background in business administration and experienced in cross-cultural and cross-sectoral cooperation. Her team of partners includes sustainability professionals in various fields. The team is experienced in EU Horizon 2020 projects, as well as in reserach activites -initiatives from EU organisations for the development of innovation portfolios for sustainable transformation.


 Just send a note to open a dialogue. Everything starts from there!

Fields of Expertise:

 Social Innovation
 Renewable Energy
 Sustainable Development
 Horizon Europe
 Green Deal

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