Mohammad Hossein Akbari
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
Hello and greetings to all,
The following is my project proposal in brief, please read the contents with attention and in anticipation, I am thankful for that:
The ((Stone Sludge)) is made up of stone cutting processes. The stone sludge can be a mixture of carbonate components or granite or even both of them.
From every one ton of marble stone getting extracted from the mine, about 780 tonnes are turned into waste. Then it is produced 26 tonnes as wastes from the stone blocks sent for sawing and 15 tonnes of that which is 1 broken block as wastes too. In the next step which includes "calibration, polishing, sizing" 10 tonnes of stone sludge is produced. It is necessary to explain that we not only consume the mentioned wastes in the chain in this project, but also whole the wastes produced in this process.
In a similar project implemented as ((Trip)) in the EU is mentioned that the disadvantages of accumulating the stone sludges in landfills and polluting the underground water and destroying the diversity and the surface plants of the region which occurs irreparable damages to the environment.
In the Trip project, it is mentioned that 5 million tonnes of stone sludges are accumulating in the landfills all over the EU (the amount of these wastes in Italy is approximately a million tonnes per year), by the way currently had not been mentioned proper and efficient ways for recycling and reusing of these wastes and to reserve the environment from the harmful damages.
It is necessary to point out that projects such as Trip and SASIES (both in Italy) which will be defined hereafter in comparison to our proposed enormous project are simple and preliminary. By these definitions provided in running this enormous project for the start-up of this project in any European country, it will be ubiquitous in all the countries in the world which have stone industry Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, Canada, etc.
It is very significant to consider that the produced stone sludge from the processing machines whether gets sent to the filter press or even gets accumulated in a part of the factory to be dried in both ways will be sent to the landfills finally. The stone sludge produced in a stone-cutting factory in Perosa in Italy is accumulated in a part of the factory and after drying will be sent to the landfills.
The "SASIES" project which was implemented under the EU "LIFE" program form, received a 946,718 € budget in 2011 for recycling stone sludge in the end a pilot project was implemented and productions like bricks and tiles were produced which have very low added value, therefore this project also could not be counted as a proper and efficient work way for stone sludge recycling.
But the massive stone sludge project which my colleagues and I did in 2013 has done after very much accurate research and experiments could have industrial production which has numerous applications in so many various industries. In the way of implementation of this project with cooperation as a partner in EU, it is possible to have the considered financial resources and fundings in EU in form of LIFE program and other environmental programs too and this also can be registered as a very innovative patent in the world!
The products of this proposed project have very more added value than all the building materials such as brick, tile, etc therefore this project can be so much more efficient than any project in the recycling and reusing of mineral wastes field.
I (as a natural and independent person from any governmental organization or private ) ask you kindly to find and introduce me or be a mighty partner to implement this enormous project in Germany, Italy, and throughout the EU member states even though all the world for stopping environmental unrepairable damages due to the made stone sludge and stone wastewater.
Looking forward to hearing from you all intensively.
Thanks & kind regards,
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Worldwide environmental healthy and high valued productivity from the stone cutting wastes
Private Authority
Construction Industry
Waste Management
Environmental protection
LIFE programme
Environmental Law
Partnership Management
Business Development
6 years ago
Construction Industry
Waste Management
Construction Technology
LIFE programme
European Union
Business Development
6 years ago
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