Your personal advisor while doing tourism in your mobile phone

5 years ago

David Prat



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Looking for Consultant

The purpose of the idea is to provide the user with a tool that enables them make the most of their visit in a city. The key concept is that the user can walk around the city without having done a previous ;The tool ensures that the user sees in the city what they would like to by guessing their preferences.

For this, a mobile phone application is created. This application will determine what the user's preferences or likes are by using artificial intelligence techniques. With that knowledge, as the user goes around the city or is resting, the application will propose places and activities strategically aiming to provide the user with the best experience possible.

Partners who have mobile phone development capability or new product development skills are wellcome to join the project.

 Start Up
 IT Applications
 Mobile technology

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