Tirana Trails

4 years ago

Tirana Ekspres

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Tirana Trails is a project by Tirana Ekspres in collaboration with the Agency of Parks and Recreation of the Municipality of Tirana 6 (APR), to build a network of trails around the city of Tirana. The soft hills, the ancient villages, the olive groves, the Mediterranean scents, the looming castles, the monuments, the caves, the forests, the lakes, and the idyllic landscapes, offer an unused opportunity to build new social and economic prospects for rural and urban Tirana. The overall long term objectives of the project seek to deal with two issues: sustainable and inclusive outdoor tourism, and the lack of socio-economic opportunities in rural Tirana. These problems are seen as an opportunity, and thus as the overall objectives of this project:

Objective 1 – Develop a sustainable and inclusive outdoor tourism sector in Tirana;

Objective 2 – Create new socio-economic opportunities for the rural communities of Tirana.

Tirana Trails aims to create added value for Tirana’s outdoor tourism, focusing on hiking (and later biking), by increasing the attractiveness for tourism development and by generating an increase in business activity through an increase in the number of tourists, and followed by private sector growth and increase in employment.

Specifically, this project further advances product development efforts,
addresses tourism infrastructure needs along the trails, seeks to advance skills and abilities of the stakeholders to provide higher quality services to visitors, supports information dissemination of hiking along its trails and other regional routes.


  1. Track, map out, and put signage on all 250 kilometersof Tirana Trails, for optimal map user experience;
  2.  Promote the use of Tirana Trails through a standalonemobile application that will serve as the online guidebookTirana Trails, and promotional products;
  3. Create a network of tour guides and homestays/ innsthat offers services along Tirana Trails.

 Sustainable Development
 Sustainable Tourism
 Project Development

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