Sustainable Management of biomass resources by communities

6 years ago

Rural Communities Development Agency (RCDA)

Non Profit


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 Rural communities in Georgia  suffer from high level of energy ; The lack of fuel has caused localised environmental problems such as deforestation, cutting of windbreaks, resulting in soil degradation. For purposes of cooking, and heating village population mostly use wood. 32% of the incomes of households is spent to cover energy needs.  Economic development and livelihoods are often endangered by natural disasters like:   floods, heavy winds and soil erosion that is mostly caused by uncontrolled logging of forests and overgrazing. Average household in the community burn up to 10m3 of fire-wood per year that causes high emissions of ; The burden of collecting firewood largely falls on the shoulders of women, who care for the basic needs of the households. A lot of their time is spent on these tasks, but they still don’t manage to meet all of the energy ;The project proposes to utilize existing forest and agricultural residues for production of charcoal and charcoal fuel briquettes at the community based entreprises 

 Environmental protection

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