Service Proposal: Comparative Life Cycle Analysis

6 years ago

Foundation myclimate

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Looking for Consultant

myclimate will provide a comparative life cycle analysis (LCA) for a proposed project between newly developed products and the established methods. The LCA will assess the environmental impacts on all levels, ranging from the extraction of the necessary raw materials, through the production process itself, the use-phase, up to the disposal of the generated waste.

Several iterations of the assessment will be performed to allow a continual implementation of the results and insights provided by the LCAs during the project duration. The iterative approach will allow an identification of undesirable environmental side effects, as well as counteracting them, already during the project time. The final resulting project outcomes will thus provide a production process optimized with regard to sustainability.

 Audits and Controls
 Low-Carbon Economy
 Sustainable Development
 Development and Cooperation
 Innovation & Research
 Clean Transport
 Horizon Europe

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