Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana
Non Profit
Looking for Partnership
Looking for Lead Partner
Looking for Consultant
We are interested in partnering with your Charity in order to form a strong alliance to make appositive change and we can together truthfully say that our efforts will be supported and acknowledged in improving the quality of life among all those, whom we serve.
Reproductive Advocate Health Education (RAHE)-GHANA is an independent, non-profit, development organization devoted to improving the quality of reproductive health services, general conditions of vulnerable people and communities through a right based approach. Since February 2014, RAHE-GHANA has been championing social intervention programs aimed at tackling vulnerability to diseases, hunger, and violence against women and children.
RAHE-Ghana addresses these challenges under its flagship project known as the Menstrual Hygiene Project. Through integrated and sustainable interventions of the project, RAHE GHANA mobilises resources and relevant stakeholders to strengthen the capacity of schools, adolescent girls and deprived communities across Ghana in managing menstrual hygiene.
The project selects 100 adolescent girls as target beneficiaries from Primary 5 to JHS 2 for mentorship and education on menstrual hygiene management in each school selected to participate in the project.
The MHP specifically provides education and awareness creation on menstrual hygiene, provides and improves access to sanitary materials through pilot training in sewing reusable sanitary pads, establishes welfare counselling centre in schools to help girls who menstruate during school sessions and community workshops aimed at generating communal ownership and support for the project beyond completion stage.
As part of our commitments towards the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals especially Goal 3,4,5,6 RAHE Ghana is devoted to ensure that, about 1000 schools are earmarked to benefit from the Menstrual Hygiene Project by 2025.
Thus every year we will be working with 143 schools to help shape the lives of over 14,000 adolsecent girls in deprived communities.
Thanks to the generosity and care of the Nederlands Albert Schweitzer Funds based in Holland and the LDS CHARITIES , 15 schools have so far being covered by the Menstrual Hygiene Project.
The Menstrual Hygiene Project is a good entry point to improve menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and to initiate discussions on broader issues related to menstruation.
The Project objectives include the following,
To strengthen Girls menstrual hygiene management by the school management;
To increase the capacity of selected public schools to effectively manage and sustain menstrual hygiene and sanitation practices;
To increase awareness on proper hygiene and sanitation practices among pupils and community members
To realise these objectives the Board of RAHE GHANA proposes to conduct training sessions for girls and senior women teachers, support participating schools to set up separate rest rooms for girls in menstrual period, support school management in piloting the local production of sanitary pads and menstrual management in schools, and to carry out community sensitization and awareness program on menstrual hygiene.
RAHE GHANA seeks to mobilize resources at the community level as well as from international organisations and prospective stakeholders to carry out programs under the Menstrual Hygiene Management Project.
We therefore call on all stakeholders and international donors to rally behind to make this project a successful one.
We are interested in partnering with your Charity in order to form a strong alliance to make appositive change and we can together truthfully say that our efforts will be supported and acknowledged in improving the quality of life among all those, whom we serve.
Our vision is to create a society in which citizens are empowered to equitably access the whole spectrum of quality social services and national resources.
• To actively work with communities to identify community context challenges and adopt cost effective ways of addressing them
• To improve the capacity of target communities and schools to understand and demand responsive health services from governmental stakeholders
• To achieve social and economic development and improved quality of life for rural households and communities with emphasis on women and children, youth, the elderly, the disabled persons, orphans and other special groups
• To promote and provide access to quality basic education for children and school dropouts within deprived rural communities
• To increase access to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation so as to ultimately reduce water related and fecal-based diseases
• To improve the health conditions of communities through elimination of health hazards in the environment that lead to untimely death among adults and children
Our portfolio of work has three main constituencies in focus namely children, the youth and women in both rural and urban communities across Ghana.
In this regard we are in need of a Partner to assist us in achieving our aims.
We have therefore chosen you and we hope you will partner us.
Yours Sincerely.
Rimmy Francis Amakye
Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana (RAHE-GHANA)
P. O. Box KN 6026 Kaneshie
Accra Ghana West Africa
Tel: 00233303967387/233504593553
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