Nature-based Solutions integrated to protect local infrastructure

1 year ago

Bunafsha Mislimshoeva



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

We are searching a consortium to join. We can strongly contribute to the following expected outcomes of the project by leading a work package(s)):

Integrated Nature-based solutions (NBS) into overall concepts for the protection of infrastructures and existing integrated risk management plans for cities and urban areas with a view of complementing existing methods for protection and resilience

Adaptation and mitigation strategies for infrastructure protection applied by local authorities and operators, including lessons learned from studying reactions of natural eco-systems to different external shocks

Resilience of local infrastructures enhanced by integrating local knowledge from population and historical documents, as well as natural components in their physical assets preventing potential damages from different types of hazards, including storms, floods and heatwaves.

 Construction Industry
 Natural Resources
 Sustainable Development
 Smart Cities
 Horizon Europe

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