Looking for one EU Partner KA105 for youth EMUN+

3 years ago

Arts in Rome

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Arts in Rome is looking for a EU Partner for the KA1 youth exchange in august 2021. The main topics are: Murales, AR, SMM, Vlog, Blog! 5 young people (18-26 years old) + 1 Team Leader (no limit age) Travel, meals and accommodation costs are covered.


  • 10-11 august preparatory visit (only for Team Leader)
  • 19-25 august mobility

The EMUN+ project is born from the awareness that involving young people in city life and sharing is the foundation of a process of revaluation and revitalization of peripheral areas.

With the EMUN+ project we want to propose an action of inclusion, social innovation and at the same time of revaluation of the territory itself thanks to creativity and art.

The aim and the challenge of the Association is to create a heterogeneous group of young people from different social and cultural backgrounds with a single aim: the creation of a Youth Residence each with different attitudes and knowledge whose purpose will be the development of the event itself which will include:

Creation of a Mural in the Municipality of Liri Island
Storytelling with video footage and photos of the Residence to tell the experience
Creation of 2D/3D Murales animation 
Creating the emotional final video implemented in Augmented Reality 
Shared management of the Social Networks of the event itself for a conscious and professional use 
Creation of Facebook and Instagram AR filters for a technological interaction of the Murales. Development of the group idea and creation
Visit and use of the FABLAB space in Ferentino (Lazio Region)

Social inclusion, youth, environmental reassessment and technology in a single event.

The group of young people will then create the project of the Murales based on the history of the Island of Liri, then realize it on a large scale and make it accessible to the public through technology thanks to the help of the Team of Arts in Rome; The young participants, depending on their knowledge, the tasks will be divided: who will take care of the video shoot, who will take care of the photos, who will take care of the social management, who will take care of the design of the mural but everyone will participate in the creation of it as a point of arrival of a collaboration group, cohesive and enterprising.

 Visual Arts

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