Looking for help

4 years ago

Nicola Lampis

Start Up


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner



Nomadi Digital is a community of digital nomads that would love to work from outstanding locations with like minded people surrounded by beautiful nature. We build modular houses and aiming for 0% environmental impact. Our first community will be located in Sardinia, ;

We would like to help to apply with Nomadigitali to the following EU grants 

  • ;freeTextSearchKeyword=social%20economy%20missions;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094502,31094501;programCode=COSME;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=Default;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState 
  • ;

This is our first MVP, but we will be making a big update to the landing page by the end of the week: 


Thank you in advance, 


All the best,



 Sustainable Development
 Sustainable Tourism

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