KA1 Project CALL Looking for partners, KA1 - Learning Mobility of - Youth mobility Projec

6 years ago

Inés Romero

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Project Description: This project puts its main focus on workers in the field of youth by performing some practical learning experiences abroad. By taking into account the SDGs, the youth workers will attend a number of “ideatones” in which they will propose and discuss ideas, and in which they will receive a brief course along with some cultural activities. The ideatones will take place on Spain and the countries of other consortium partners

We are looking for partners who want their youth workers to participate in a project in which they will be able to discuss and learn about solutions in the field of SDGs; in which they will travel and know other european countries, and, therefore, will be able to share experiences, culture, and ;

Last day for applications: 16 April


 Youth Workers

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Ma Région Sud!

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