Interested in partnership

3 years ago

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is interested to participate as partner organisation under the KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS IN RESPONSE OF THE COVID-19 SITUATION calls.

Types of partnerships & relevant activities:

  • Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness (in the fields of school educationvocational education and training, and higher education), aiming at equipping education and training systems to face the challenges presented by the recent sudden shift to online and distance learning, including supporting teachers to develop digital competences and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities.
  • Partnerships for Creativity (in the fields of youthschool education and adult education) aiming to engage organisations in the fields of formal, informal and non-formal education, together with those from the creative and cultural sectors to stimulate European awareness and empower people of current and future generations to be successful innovators in their local environment. One of the goals is also to equip young people and adults with the necessary tools and competences needed to come up with creative and innovative solutions to face unprecedented risks, and societal challenges. This action aims to enhance skills development and competences that reinforce creativity, as well as to boost quality, innovation and recognition of youth work that support the creative potential of youth, thus contributing to the recovery resilience of the cultural and creative sectors.

Among others, we could undertake the role of the Technical Partner as we have experience in developing applications and such kind of platforms. We believe that with our experience and know-how we can contribute constructively to a consortium of partners provide added-value to the project.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development is an NGO located in Greece committed to the promotion of innovation. In our 15 years of operation, we have been actively involved on the planning, implementation and evaluation of more than 150 projects in European and national level.

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Adult Learning
 Horizon Europe
 Project Development
 Project Management
 Partnership Management
 Project Planning

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