Interested in Partnership- Erasmus KA3

5 years ago

Lebenshilfe Offenburg

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Lebenshilfe Offenburg – Oberkirch is a non-profit organisation from Offenburg in South-Germany. With our Albert-Schweitzer-Werkstätten (workshops) and residential facilities, we offer people with disabilities professional and social rehabilitation. The goal is to offer people with disabilities a life that is as independent and as self-determined as possible, in a society for EVERYONE. The projects we take part in are not exclusively aimed at people with disabilities though. We work with unlearned, long-term jobless and other people-groups that need support. For these groups we advise and accompany a way back into the ;

We are looking for partners for the Erasmus KA3 Call. We are looking for partners to develop an idea with, but also would be interested in being part in an already worked out idea as a side partner. Feel free to contact us if you are interested.

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