Interested in a Partnership (Youth Entrepreneurship and Tourism for Social Dev...)

4 years ago

Youth Entrepreneurship and Tourism for Social Development (YESTD)



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The youth entrepreneurship program is a part of the global Youth Employment Programme. Youth entrepreneurship development has been identified as a means of achieving the goal of decent work for all youth groups. This note will attempt to illustrate the technical competencies of YESTD and its implementation experiences in youth entrepreneurship in Nepal in partnership with governments, member-based organizations, institutions and business service provider networks. This note concurs with the international findings on youth entrepreneurship from leading experts, practitioners and scholars, who broadly agree that youth entrepreneurship is not a panacea, but rather a crucial component for tackling unemployment within national policy frameworks. Finally, it recognizes that the creation of a business environment that is conducive for youth entrepreneurship is not a quick fix. It requires not only sustained, long-term, multi-sectoral and multi-level efforts and investments in youth at different stages of their education, working life and careers, but also entrepreneurship culture and policy framework that support youth entrepreneurship so that young men and women can participate actively and fully in their society and economy.

Young entrepreneurship is supported through different essential system levels of inter-action in Nepal: The macro-level of the system is captured by stakeholders with a mandate for defining and coordinating a policy and regulatory framework that is conducive to doing business. These will be ministries of industries, trade and commerce, interior, labor etc. There is a need for policy coordination and coherence within government and between ministries since the promotion of sustainable youth enterprise ventures transcend line ministry boundaries and thus calls for effective intra-government coordination and collaboration.

The micro-level of the system is constituted by stakeholders with a mandate to facilitate or physically deliver YESTD, in this context understood as any non-financial and financial services meant to improve physical and business infrastructures that results in improved performance of a business. These are industry associations, young entrepreneur associations, consultancy companies or vocational /technical institutes and other training institutions and service providers for youth.

The micro-level of the system (the market level) is made up by the stakeholders directly involved in the market exchange of products, goods and services, either by taking a stake in the production and provision of the product (the entrepreneur), or by buying it (the customer). At this level improving young entrepreneurs’ awareness of and access to YESTD including responsible enterprise practices is crucial, as well as the stimulation of an entrepreneurship culture for in-school and out of school youth and stimulation of demand for social entrepreneurship.

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Health Care
 International Cooperation
 Digital Economy
 International Project Management
 Business Development
 Urban Innovative Actions

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