Interested in a Partnership (North East Development Agency)

5 years ago

North East Development Agency

Local/Regional Agency


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

North East Development Agency is a Romanian NGO with 20 years experience in implementing projects financed from EU funds, especially as Intermediate Body for the implementation of Regional Operational Programme in the North-East Region. It aims to foster entrepreneurial ecosystem through RUBIK HUB, by supporting, encouraging and promoting innovation and creativity. We are recognized as an influencer to local startup ecosystem and community builders. We are also skilled in developing trainings and programs meant to educate, build, connect and scale up startups and evaluating the startup ecosystem. Should you need any further information about North East Development Agency, please, contact us at: . We are ready to join the consortium

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Start Up
 Education and Training
 Cohesion Policy
 Horizon Europe

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