Interested in a Partnership (GAL del Ducato)

7 years ago

GAL del Ducato

Local/Regional Agency


Looking for Lead Partner

In general terms, the main areas of interest and work are related to the actions foreseen by GdD Local Action Plan, divided in two macro-areas, notably:
• Agriculture and rural development
o Agri-food products:
 Production, processing and transformation
 Logistics, distribution, marketing and selling of small productions
o Sustainable management of forests:
 Forest certification
 Multifunctional forest use:
• New technologies for fruition monitoring, security
• Recreational, educational, adventure forests
• Restore of artifacts to be used for reception and shelter points
• Certification and promotion of hunting meat
• Undergrowth products of forests - mushrooms, chestnuts, etc.
• Green jobs
• Tourism
o Promotion and marketing of the territory
o Valorization of cultural, religious, excursion and tourist itineraries ( Abbots, Francigena, Longobards, San Colombano ways, etc.) and other aspects linked to them ( cultural goods along the ways, links to international networks, sports and other kind of events linked, etc.)
o Tourist initiatives, accommodation capacity in rural areas
o Social innovation and cooperatives of community
o Restoration of public buildings for cultural, artistic, creative, educational, nature activities // rural /urban regeneration
o Organization of cultural and artistic events
Moreover, GAL del Ducato and its members are interested in developing also the following topics:
• Development of potential of rural areas, also in an economic and tourist perspective
• Reconversion and regeneration of rural cultural heritage, often abandoned ( public/private/artisan/industrial buildings, parishes, etc.), as new economic, social, tourist development opportunities for local communities
• Measures to contrast rural depopulation
• Parks
• Castles
• Create better mobility connections between the city and the provincial/external sites and between different areas in the province to reach tourist / natural sites such as castles, parks, etc. as a way for citizens to improve the quality of their life and promote the knowledge of the territory ( cycling, walking, bus-shuttle connections, etc.)
• Energy, energy efficiency, renewables sources
• Thermal tourism
• Culture
• Longobard culture
• Religious itineraries, pilgrimages welcome and accommodation capacity in rural areas
• Geological areas
• River contracts

 Forest Resources
 Rural Development
 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Natural Resources
 Cultural heritage

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