Interested in a Partnership (Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe)

8 years ago

Valeria Muggianu

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

In previous experience, CBE had the responsibility to: (1) mapping available local, national, European and international funds and financial facilities for learning mobility and vocational training; (2) developing, together with its consortium members, new financial instruments for vocational and professional learning and mobility in Europe; (3) providing assistant to European stakeholders to apply to these funds and financial instruments. Finally, in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme CBE has the responsibility to help and support new or potential entrepreneurs by reviewing their business plans and develop bankable projects.
CBE has experience in different policy areas and can therefore become a valuable partner for projects in such diverse fields as education, finance, training or R&D.
CBE has consistent expertise in assessing business plans and models, evaluating bankable projects and outlining financial instruments to support innovative projects. The European Commission requires that projects have clear results, able to tackle concrete societal challenges. In this context, CBE provides a valuable expertise to transform project results in business opportunities and/or in long-term projects. CBE can also draw on the expertise of its Members – banks and Chambers of Commerce – or involve them directly in projects.
Finally, CBE can provide training courses on business development and financial instruments, as well as disseminate project results in Italy and Brussels.

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Start Up
 Education and Training
 Horizon Europe
 European Politics
 International Project Management

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