Innovative answers of local communities for challenges of 21th century

5 years ago

Robert Kutsera



Looking for Partnership

The program that will be submitted to Europe for citizen program – Measure networks of towns will be based on sharing and connecting good practices which have contributed to increasing the adaptability of the communities, and operating in participating municipalities or in their immediate environment.

The aim of the joint application is to increase the adaptability of the settlements and their openness towards the innovation.

The following topics will be covered by the project: 

- creating conditions for the care of the aging population and supporting active aging

- transformation and integration of traditional community and farming habits, practices in connection with needs of 21th century opportunities

- increasing the activity of young people and involving them in local services and management system of the municipalities (strengthening intergenerational relations)

- open up the local population to the challenges and opportunities of developing tourism

- assisting in the adaption of new technological approaches and business models

- local entrepreneurship  

The project will introduce best practices to loca l communities and support their adaption. The related events will raise awareness of obstacles and hidden resources what can form bases for a long-term community development strategy.

In order to achieve this, on the one hand, we will incorporate the good practices already known and exploring the potential of their integration into a community practices. On the other hand, the participants could get acquainted with the methodological elements necessary for the social implementation of a long-term development plan.

 Rural Development
 Social Farming
 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Social Innovation
 Sustainable Development
 International Cooperation

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