Funding LevantX and the fight for human rights in the MENA region

3 years ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

LevantX is an independent, Non-Profit online publication covering Geopolitics, Human Rights, and Social Justice in the Middle East.

We provide a platform for voices in the MENA region and hope to create an international community that can bridge the gap in communication between citizens of the MENA region and Western societies.

LevantX is registered as a Limited by Guarantee Non-Profit in the United Kingdom and currently operates with a fully remote team.

We currently run several article series and a podcast that covers socio-cultural issues and politics.

We are looking for partners that can fund our team and mission, and possibly collaborate on projects with us to further the fight for Human Rights and Social Justice in the Middle East.

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Development and Cooperation
 Gender Equality
 Minority groups
 Cultural heritage
 Culture and Development
 Migrants and Refugees
 Human Rights

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