Expertise in Thermodynamics / Phase Equilibria / Combustion

2 years ago




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The UCP lab (Chemical Engineering lab) of ENSTA-Paris has the following expertise in the following topics :


- Experimental measurements and modelling of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of mixtures. Molecular simulations and process simulations, energy efficiency. Accessible properties are heat capacities, boiling point, latent heat of vaporization, densities, heat of mixing, heat of reaction, fluid densities, high pressure cell for static analytic measurements.


- Combustion (thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, detailed kinetics mechanisms, chemical hazard).

- Adsorption in porous materials (MOF, …)


Applications: hydrogen as an energy vector, CCS and CCU, Biogas, new refrigerant fluids, cold transportation, fertilizers, hydrometallurgy, process risks.

 Low-Carbon Technology
 Energy Efficiency
 Renewable Energy

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