The idea is to train the population in Kenya rural settings so that they are able to have a balanced diet.
To do this will require a group of well trained personnel to set up demonstration centres and grow fruits and crops that can be distributed to the trained household heads.
There is nned to ensure that every household has some fruit trees and particular crops that mature in a fairly short period and can provide the necessary nutrients to the populations.
This will require that centres be set in every village where households in the villages can be trained and provided with the seeds and seedlings that can ensure that they grow crops and fruits. This will initially require close monitoring. The first households will be taken through an elaborate training so that they can be food sufficient. They will have to prove that the venture is productive and is able to provide som income and health. If well implemented, it can be the best way tat we can ensure a healthy and wealthy Kenya.
This will also provide raw materials for industrial production. This creare jobs for the majority and earn the country foreign income through the cottage industry.
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