"Digital Rural Youngers" for an innovative future

2 years ago

Arts in Rome

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

We are looking for 5 partners ONLY from Lithuania, Austria, Latvia, Slovacchia, Estonia, Finlandia, Spagna, Portogallo, Ungheria, Lithuania, ;

Respecting the guidelines of the Green Deal, the participants' journey will be through low-pollution means such as buses or trains.

Arts in Rome is avaible also for mutual collaboration for your project as well.


This project is a seven-day international training course for young people whose main theme is to make young people aware of their potential in rural/remote areas by sensitizing them to be an active part of society by developing local activities that encourage the growth of micro/small businesses such as sustainable tourism, local shop, quality craftsmanship and more through creativity, digital tools and innovation.
It will focus in particular on the target group of young people dealing with economic, social and geographical aspects to fight social exclusion. The main event will take place in Isola del Liri (FR), Italy, in June 2023. It will involve 6 partners of 6 countries chosen on the basis of Eurostat data "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" (2020), which will take part in the project with 30 participants. The learning process will be supported by 6 team leaders for each partner and 1 mentor.

Arts in Rome has chosen to participate in the youth area for two reasons:
1. thanks to the latest events organized by the association, we have found a great deal of excitement among the young people in line with the Association's topics

2. the Association has started a collaboration with the Municipality of Isola del Liri which is trying to promote the development of the area by giving new opportunities to young people. This Town offers few job opportunities and intercultural activities for young people and the proximity to Rome implies a mass movement towards the city certainly richer in opportunities. With this project and others that we are presenting, we want to reverse the process by giving the yougers an input for change.

The theme of making rural areas more attractive for young people was spotted in the "EU Strategic Agenda 2019 – 2024" (), in particular in the European Youth Goal No. 6 (Moving Rural Youth Forward), in which it was recognized that young people in rural and remote areas have fewer opportunities accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The province of Frosinone has the lowest employment rate in Lazio. The situation further worsens as regards women's work. This is one of the scenarios that comes out of the annual update of the indicators of the well-being of the territories, for all 107 Italian provinces and metropolitan cities, published by Istat and updated with data referring to 2020 ( and ).

Out of this mission and goals, we want to achieve the following objectives:
Objective #1: To raise awareness young people that each person's individual actions matter
Objective #2: To make young and local people actively, stimulating engagement in society and active participation
Objective #3: To raise awareness of the conscious use of digital tools and creativity by promoting sustainable tourism, local product and stimulating the growth of micro-small business
Objective #4: Inclusion of young people, with greater sensitivity for women inclusion, with few opportunities in an international context
Objective #5: To create more opportunities in remote and surrounding rural areas, strengthen European values and breaking down prejudices and stereotypes
Objective #6: To gain more experience in project management especially for less experienced organizations

Based on the EU priorities, the young exchange is in line with:
- Europe 2030 strategy to reduced inequalities
- Europe 2030 strategy – decent work and economic growth
- European Youth Goal No. 6 ( Moving Rural Youth Forward)

 Youth Exchanges
 New Media
 Visual Arts

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