Definition of critical value of concentration of a pressure{voltage} in a ground.

8 years ago


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The purpose:

To define{determine} time of the beginning of earthquake

The general{common} information:

It is known, that the planet "ground" cooperates in our solar system with other planets due to what there is its{her} daily deformation and at each deformation in a ground there is a pressure{voltage} which has property to collect and after a critical degree of its{her} concentration there is an earthquake. The way consists in definition of critical size of concentration of a pressure{voltage} in a ground. For definition of time of approach of critical concentration the network of existing seismic stations of supervision can be used. 

The patent information:-

Expenses: Expenses will go on equipment of seismic station and its{her} reorientation to definition of the intense condition of a ground if it{she} is focused on other mechanical parameters of an earth's crust.


The way of definition of size of critical concentration of a pressure{voltage} can be applied, for definition of time of the beginning of earthquake i.e. in the field of « the forecast of earthquakes ».

 Earth Sciences
 Europe for Citizens
 Horizon Europe

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