3 years ago

Teatro alla Guilla



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

CREative tools for young crEative People


The creative industry (performing arts, visual arts, theatre, music venues) has been hardly hit by the ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, creative businesses have demonstrated to have an important role to play in generating growth and occupation and fighting unemployment while strengthening social cohesion, particularly for young people, but also for those adults who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, who can transform their creative skills into their own business. In order to help the creative sector unlock their potential for growth and the transnational circulation of creative works and their ability to operate transnationally and reach new audiences in Europe and beyond, considering the lack of efforts in providing aspiring and practicing creative people with knowledge and skills that increase their capacity to create and lead their creative entrepreneurial ventures. The general aim of the “Creative tools for creative young people” project is to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship in the creative sector so to overcome these difficult times through the empowerment of young artists and cultural managers. To achieve this goal, the project has defined four objectives:

  • to provide digital learning opportunities for young artists (artists and cultural managers), supporting their motivation and empowering them towards access to upskilling pathways for creative entrepreneurship and overcoming the pandemic;
  • to assess and monitor learners’ achievements in order to ensure the transparency and recognition of their creative entrepreneurial competences and skills;
  • to provide the innovative easy-to-learn pathway for upskilling the creative entrepreneurial competences and skills needed to set up or improve the creative business;
  • to extend and develop educators’ competences needed for effective running the training of young creative learners, to become successful entrepreneurs in the cultural sector.

The components of the creative sector included in the project are visual and performing arts; craftsmanship; art and antiques market; fashion; music and dance. 90 young artists - learners seeking to set their own businesses or improve it in the creative sector, and 30 youth educators-facilitators will participate directly in the projects piloting activities. 135 representatives of associated partners and other the stakeholders will participate in multiplying events. In order to achieve the defined objectives, three work packages will be produced:


For young learners

  • Self-assessment tool to assess the competences and skills of the creative entrepreneur;
  • E-training programme “How to escape from the local and reach the global cultural market surviving a pandemic”


For youth workers/trainers

  • E-toolkit for trainers “How to help become creative entrepreneurs surviving a pandemic”.


The general methodology to all three work packages is based on Open Educational Resources to promote the open access to developed educational tools. All WPs will be focused on giving target groups (artists, cultural managers and trainers) a new perspective on the innovative and creative tools to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and give cultural projects of young artists the chance to survive.


Duration: 24 months

 Creative Industries
 Social and Welfare

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